Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2008-01-31-Speech-4-050"

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"Mr President, specialists able to carry out tasks with an increased risk of danger doubtless make a valuable contribution to security – on that we are agreed! – just as planned and improved cooperation is an advantage in the event of a terrorist threat. Current developments are in some ways alarming, precisely because of the rising crime rate. Police stations are being closed and special units reduced while we are increasingly having to fight ever more unscrupulous criminal gangs rubbing their hands together with glee every time another border opens up. In this situation the EU still wants it to be as difficult as possible for responsible citizens to protect themselves with weapons and has contributed, with its mistaken multicultural visions, to a multi-crime society with no-go areas and the propensity to violence on the increase. It is, of course, important that in preparing for a terrorist act the fight against criminal activity should not suffer. In my opinion we should put an end to the nonsense of siphoning off police officers for terrorist units and closing functioning special units only to create new special units – against gangs of youths, for instance."@en1

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