Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2007-11-14-Speech-3-165"

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"Mr President, some time ago this Parliament asked the Commission for a directive on soil protection. Commissioner Dimas gave it to us five years later. We do not need it any more, and that is no secret. We have other Directives on the protection of specific, transnational problems relating to soil. The Commission ignores the fact that many countries – and the Czech Republic is one example – have their own legislation and good systems in place to protect soil from further erosion and degradation. What some countries (including Flanders) need is a common strategy and enhanced coordination. Thanks to an enormous effort by the rapporteurs, Parliament was able to vote for the reworked Directive, which will probably not cause too much harm because it will at least make it possible to maintain national legislation where it already exists. In his presentation yesterday, the Commissioner did not show any understanding for a sensible solution painstakingly negotiated by the rapporteur in Parliament. By not being receptive to Parliament’s hints, the Commissioner is helping to bury his own Directive. He as good as asked me to vote against his report. I believe that the Council will behave in a similar manner."@en1

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