Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2007-06-06-Speech-3-190"

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lpv:spoken text
"Mr President, in the light of the forthcoming report on Romania that is to be presented on 26 June, I would like to bring to your attention one of the means by which Romania intends to fight corruption. On 9 May 2007, the Romanian Senate adopted a law setting up the National Integrity Agency. This agency will carry out verification activities in the following areas: wealth, conflicts of interest and incompatibilities. Furthermore, the Romanian Government has modified the law on the establishment of the National Integrity Agency in order to make it more drastic. The new Justice Minister supports this project and considers the agency to be an efficient instrument as a result of its investigative power, its civil sanctioning power and the guarantees for its independence. It is obvious from the above that the reform in the judiciary system is being pursued, with the new Justice Minister, Mr Chiuariu, being fully committed to making the Integrity Agency operative within a few months."@en1
"Tiberiu Bărbuleţiu (ALDE ). –"1

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