Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2007-03-29-Speech-4-020"

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". Mr President, Europe's security is served only by a sober, factual debate about America’s intention to station ten defence rockets in Poland and an associated radar system in the Czech Republic. Strong, negative reactions from within the Union, especially based on fear of Putin’s Russia, not only reinforce our own vulnerability, but create at the same time new political tensions between the Member States, the prospect of which, following the European Iraq crisis, should surely fill the High Representative, Mr Solana, with horror. What are the facts that speak in favour of the rocket project? There is, first of all, the dogged determination on the part of the Islamic Republic of Iran to have at its disposal in the near future an arsenal of modern ballistic rockets with a range of up to 5 500 km. Add to this Teheran’s ambiguous nuclear effort, and the imminent threat, not least for Europe, is a real one. In short, a powerful transatlantic message to Iran is certainly called for. A rocket defence system on our continent is legitimate preventive action against dangerous Persian projections of power. In fulfilling these national ambitions, Teheran is, in turn, highly dependent on Russian and Chinese technical expertise. I trust that you, High Representative, will remind Moscow and Beijing of their responsibility for world peace as Members of the Security Council, and with specific reference to this matter."@en1

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