Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2006-09-28-Speech-4-099"

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". We voted against the two resolutions proposed to us. They outlined, with certain nuances, the difficulty in controlling the entry and movement of illegal immigrants, but never mentioned the fact that this difficulty stems precisely from the abolition of national borders. The resolutions take up the idea, shared by Mr Sarkozy, of the complete abolition of unanimous voting in the field of justice and home affairs, that is to say the complete abolition of the Member States’ sovereignty on their own soil. This is one more example of European integration being used as a solution to the problem it presents. Those who, like the Group of the European People’s Party (Christian Democrats) and European Democrats, are trying today in this Parliament to contain immigration are in reality creating more problems than they solve. We should not have accepted the Schengen Agreement with the abolition of permanent controls at internal borders and we should not have accepted the Treaty of Amsterdam or, rather, the communitisation of the bulk of the policies on asylum, visas and immigration, including the fight against illegal immigration. We have opened the floodgates to uncontrolled immigration and, at the same time, deprived the Member States of their powers, only to transfer them to an inevitably paralysed Union."@en1

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