Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2006-09-26-Speech-2-026"
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Madam President, Mr President of the Commission, ladies and gentlemen, even though it has been enshrined in the European Communities Treaty ever since Maastricht, the subsidiarity principle leads a shadowy existence, yet subsidiarity must always apply except where power resides solely at the European level.
Such is indisputably not the case as regards the services we are discussing today, so any European regulation in this field would be a flagrant breach of the subsidiarity principle, and, moreover, of the principles – integral to the rule of law – of necessity and proportionality if there was any interference in the functioning structures that the Member States have developed over the years.
If, though, the EU has no powers in this area, it follows that there can be no Europe-wide definition of these services either, and that only those who enact national or regional laws can define what they are. Quite apart from that, the White Paper’s attempted definitions of them – which I regard as artificial and cumbersome – reveal themselves as impractical and incomprehensible by the public.
No strategy – be it of Lisbon or of anywhere else – is capable of being a substitute for a legal basis, whether one is dealing with principles and targets such as competition, or with economic and social cooperation.
The only possible outcome of this debate, then, is a call to have nothing to do with any European regulation on services of general interest, quite simply because there is no European legal basis for one. I ask you to endorse the position of the Committee on Legal Affairs, which makes for a Europe that is close to its citizens, transparent and understandable."@en1
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