Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2006-05-16-Speech-2-237"

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"Mr President, I should like straight away to thank the Commissioner for this new report, which is a very rigorous piece of administrative work on the part of the Commission. However, this very rigour is leading the Commission again to postpone its decision on Bulgaria’s and Romania’s accession date. In spite of the dynamism shown by these countries and although all the signs still point towards accession, the report expresses serious reservations. Once again, you recommend them to continue with their efforts in a wide variety of areas: agricultural administration, the monitoring of Community expenditure and the fight against crime, corruption and fraud. Moreover, those who have spoken in this House have added to this list: the integration of minorities, international adoption and the control of customs contraband. In my opinion, it does need to be acknowledged that Bulgaria and Romania are not alone in having these types of problem. Current events in Europe demonstrate every day how Europe falls short in all these areas. Why then, Mr Rehn, should new demands constantly be added to the accession criteria? Why postpone a decision that gave rise to fewer difficulties for the ten countries that acceded last time round? With this decision in view, you are being extremely cautious, and this will have an impact on Bulgarians’ and Romanians’ hopes as they anticipate the outcome of the decision. For a year now, we have been aware of the consequences of nations’ despair as they contemplate Europe’s future. With each consecutive report, the Commission multiplies the demands associated with the accession criteria to be fulfilled, then backs off when faced with having to take a decision. With each consecutive report, the Bulgarian and Romanian nations feel humiliated, despite the fact that they are making progress. The people of those countries have ever more doubts about their right to occupy a place in our European democracy. With each report that is published, populism gains ground. The moment has therefore come to take a clear and courageous decision about Bulgaria’s and Romania’s date of entry into the EU. In our opinion, this should be 1 January 2007, for these two countries are essential to a genuine European Union project."@en1

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