Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2006-05-16-Speech-2-162"

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"What the reports voted on today reveal are the growing number of difficulties in applying Community law and the proliferation of cases submitted to the European Court of Justice. On 31 December 2003, it emerged from the 21st report of the Commission that 3 927 offences were being examined, compared with 2 270 in 1999 and only 124 in 1978. This is partly because of the large amount of Community law but also because of the large quantity of sanctions that the European Commission can impose on any Member States reluctant to apply Community legislation. The issue of applying Community law is, above all, a political issue and not a legal or technocratic one as a number of people think and state that it is. In fact, what mainly happens is that the problem of existing conflicts between European power and forms of national sovereignty is concealed. In this connection, the recent decision - of 13 September 2005 - by the Court of Justice of the European Communities which, for the first time and independently of any legal basis, has made criminal law a Community matter is symptomatic of the way in which this institution has developed. It is, then, understandable why Member States are reluctant to apply Community legislation that they have not chosen."@en1

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