Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2006-03-15-Speech-3-248"

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"Ladies and gentlemen, the enlargement of the European Union to date has without a doubt been a successful formula, since it has fostered reforms in many states by extending the area of peace, stability and the rule of law in Europe. Further enlargement of the European Union is necessary, but we will have to find new mechanisms and ways which will lead the European Union out of the impasse of its current capacity to absorb new states. Certainly, by defining precise criteria the European Commission must develop this concept of absorption capacity. In addition to the possibility of full membership we also need to offer various forms of multilateral cooperation and partnership with countries which, at least in the short term, will not be able to join the European Union. Here I would like to express my full agreement with what Mr Brok said. This could be a way to draw in Turkey, Ukraine and the Balkans for example, and later on, other countries to the path of reform and European values."@en1

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