Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2006-01-16-Speech-1-028"

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"Mr President, an investigation in Poland has revealed that the driver responsible for the accident that claimed the lives of six people, including the MEP Dr Filip Adwent, had traces of amphetamine in his blood at the time. This affected his ability to control the lorry he was driving. I refer to this tragic accident in the light of the report recently published by the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction. It emerges from this report that drug addiction is one of the most serious threats we face, and that it is becoming a particular problem among the younger generation. As we have seen, it is no longer only addicts that are put at risk by this problem, but society as a whole. How many more people, whether addicts or innocent victims such as our colleague, must die before the European Commission, Parliament and the parliaments of the Member States react by drafting tough anti-drugs legislation? The latter is what is needed instead of the texts tabled to date, which provide a greater level of protection for the free market than for precious human lives. The report sets out proposals regarding the effectiveness of measures to prevent drug addiction and tough regulations, and I would call on all legislators to ensure that these proposals are incorporated into both Community and national law."@en1

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