Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2005-11-16-Speech-3-184"

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"Mr President, ladies and gentlemen, we too endorsed the need to hold this debate, because we want the serious remarks made by the Iranian President, Mr Ahmadinejad, regarding the existence of the State of Israel to be met with a firm, unanimous response from the European Parliament. The Socialist Group in the European Parliament believes that the seriousness of what has happened should not be underestimated, since those words were uttered at an extremely sensitive moment in the Middle East situation. The truth is that fortunately, within days, we heard the statements by the former leader Mr Khatami, which ran in a completely different direction. In fact, he came out against any kind of crusade, war or violence, declaring them immoral. Returning to the Middle East, on the one hand hopes have been raised again for a peace process that will lead to the emergence of the Palestinian State alongside the State of Israel, a solution that for us has never been and will never be an issue. On the other hand, however, we realise that this process has many enemies and that terrorism is in fact backing those who do not want a solution to this tragic situation. Peace, democracy, freedom and social justice are the values that we want to prevail in the Middle East, and we want Europe to play an ever greater role in making that happen. We therefore welcome the fact that the European Union has accepted responsibility for controlling the border at Rafah, which we hope may soon become one of the borders of the Palestinian State. Iran is a great country and we do not want it to isolate itself from the international community. Quite the opposite: we believe that the decisions it makes, starting with a clear and incontrovertible rejection of nuclear weapons, can help bring about peaceful stability throughout the region. Israel and Palestine are linked by a single destiny and wiping out Israel would mean wiping out Palestine. I say that because it is time to unmask those who help to maintain the Palestinians’ tragic situation by pretending to uphold their rights. Unlike President Ahmadinejad, we shall strive to add a new state to the map of the Middle East. Lastly, let us assure Israel that Europe cannot forget the Holocaust, because that would mean denying the very reasons for its existence as a political project."@en1

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