Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2005-09-08-Speech-4-100"

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". Since 1957, Europe has set up special schools intended to educate the children of the staff of the European Communities together while accepting a very limited number of external pupils. So what was the thinking behind this policy of exception, applying a principle of corporatist preference, a policy which furthermore is condemned in other fields by this same Europe? Do as I say and not as I do! This system of European schools therefore promotes the concept of European citizenship, which is, for Europe, what the concept of national preference should be for France and the other free nations of Europe. But the development of these schools is intended not to build the Europe of nations to which we aspire, but to promote European integration; a policy which has just been condemned by the French people on 29 May 2005. These schools are not only discriminatory against non-European civil servants, but against all of the children of Europe. They also create a system of outrageous privileges intended almost exclusively for civil servants of the European institutions in order to reproduce a single and obligatory European model: a federal Europe by integration."@en1

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