Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2005-05-12-Speech-4-061"

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"Mr President, Commissioner Wallström, only a matter of metres from here stands the Arte Studio, one of the most modern studios in Europe. It would be appropriate for us, when sitting here in Strasbourg, to cooperate with it in enabling the European public to see what is being done for them here. Communicating to the European public the added value that this House and its Members provide is one of our most vital tasks. One of the main problems is that the topics discussed in this House are very complex and wide-ranging, so journalists need incentives if they are to relate better to European issues. I suggest that we should award prizes for the best journalistic writing about what we do here, about countries and about worldwide issues. It is, as has already been said, of the utmost importance that we give our attention to journalists and to education. Again and again, I am surprised by the enthusiasm shown for our work by visitors to this House and by the positive frame of mind in which they leave it. That should continue to be the case in future. We should also try to make it easier for schools to access European material in the new library programme that we have developed. There are a lot of excellent DVDs, which do a very good job of describing the work we do. Members should be given the opportunity to access these EU-made productions in order to make them available to schools, universities and interested parties."@en1

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