Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2005-05-11-Speech-3-248"

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"Mr President, I want especially to thank Mr Dombrovskis and the others who have had a hand in this report. No other parliament in the world – or so I believe – saves the taxpayer a two-figure million sum in one year. Such economy with money is indeed praiseworthy. We are, as we know, pressing for the adoption of the Statute, which will, while relieving the national budgets of a massive burden, mean additional expenditure for Parliament. If we add up the average cost of an official, then this precautionary measure – along with what the Statute is going to give us – is particularly worthy of attention and praise. We will, in future, have the task of explaining this Europe of ours far better than it has been. We have to make the people more aware of what the European Parliament does. One of the main criticisms levelled during the election was that people hear too little about this House’s political activities. I wish to call on those who exercise responsibility in it to put far greater effort into information policy than they have been wont to do so far."@en1

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