Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2005-04-12-Speech-2-371"

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"Madam President, Commissioners, I wish to congratulate the rapporteur on her excellent work, which has improved the Commission proposal. Sustainable development and an ecological are a necessary priority for the European Union and are absolutely in keeping with the Lisbon Strategy. Given the difficulty of addressing such issues, which involve numerous commercial and financial activities, I wish to emphasise the following: the self-regulation procedure is a very positive solution for the faster application of the framework for ecodesign and could also help in improving the market response and in adopting legislation for energy-using products which need to be governed by very strict limits, so that companies are obliged, through creative and realistic procedures, to follow and apply it. The derogations for the benefit of Member States on matters relating to environmental aspects, which differ from one country to another, such as danger limits and environmental conduct, are necessary given the dissimilarities and differences in the individual environmental conditions in each country. Note is made of the need to verify products imported from third countries and identifying them will probably be difficult, as will effective verification. It is vital that we have an absolutely independent body of experts for verifying energy-using products and that it be independent of private economic interests. This body could also safeguard confidentiality for reasons of healthy competition, especially with high-technology products with a short commercial life."@en1

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