Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2005-03-09-Speech-3-070"

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"Madam President, I would say to President Barroso that it is true the first five years of Lisbon have delivered little and most Member States, which bear the ultimate responsibility for implementing the Lisbon Agenda, have been very slow to take ownership. It is also true that focusing on the economic agenda does not mean that we are downgrading other agendas, be this the environment or the social agenda. I would say to Commissioner Kroes that competition is the objective, not the problem. We cannot have a race to the back of the queue as Member States scurry to avoid attracting outside investment for fear of getting a rap on the knuckles from Brussels. Two high-profile examples from Ireland – Intel and Ryanair – have been highly instructive in demonstrating how unreasonably applied competition policy can militate against competition. I would urge Commissioner Kovács, in relation to taxation, that ‘if it ain’t broke don’t fix it’ and above all ‘don’t break it’! Member States must be given the flexibility they require to implement the solutions they need to achieve their Lisbon objectives, hopefully by stimulating employment through a reduction in direct taxation, especially a reduction in labour taxes. I would underline to Commissioner Potočnik that it is absolutely imperative that Community funding for research be substantially increased under the Seventh Framework Programme. Fundamental research is essential, but equally we must facilitate the application of research and development in European businesses and foster innovation. I would say to Commissioner McCreevy that facilitating the free movement of services is the missing key needed to unlock the potential of the European workforce and galvanise the European economy. As you mentioned yesterday, Commissioner, it is always easier to find reasons not to do something. Services contribute 70% of European GDP, and I urge you to proceed with the Services Directive. It is particularly important for our new Member States, which have been denied the advantage of free movement of people, goods and services for so long. Please single out health services, consider the benchmark of good regulation, and deal with this specific area in a more appropriate way. Finally, a word to the College of Commissioners in general. Could we please have less regulation; better regulation; simpler regulation; thoroughly vetted regulation; risk-assessed regulation. We need to Lisbon-proof REACH, the Services Directive and the Nutritional and Health Claims Regulation. We are always an action plan away from action. Commissioner Barroso and colleagues, please go for it!"@en1

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