Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2004-05-04-Speech-2-195"

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"Mr President, the current European economic and social model has unfortunately not brought about the desired results. The added impact of enlargement may also put further strain on the system and create new imbalances and unexpected changes in employment patterns and social cohesion. The scourge of unemployment and job instability within the European Union still defies the many action plans and initiatives for economic and social reforms launched in the past. Poverty is still with us and the traditional social security systems are threatened. Add to this certain negative aspects of the impact of globalisation and the picture gets bleaker. There is no social stability and no real prosperity where there is unemployment, where there are imminent threats to existing jobs and competitiveness is gradually eroded due to macro-economic policies, fiscal measures and constraints that are not adapted to the existing situation on the ground. It must be said a priori that any corrective measures that have to be taken should in no way have any negative impact on existing levels of social protection. Ideally in the future the European economic and social model needs to be more flexible in its application. The same applies to the European monetary and fiscal policies. Ways have to be found of establishing how flexibility and fair competition can co-exist and how the social market economy will have less of the free market component and more of the social component. The enlarged European Union presents a whole range of regional and subregional social economic scenarios. Each has its own specificities and each is in need of its own tailor-made action plan to help attract investment, create jobs, maintain its competitive edge and attract new growth sectors, while ensuring social stability and sustainable growth levels. Coming as I do from the smallest Member State, which is an island state, I am very conscious that EU-wide economic and social policies applied indiscriminately on a 'one-size-fits-all' basis do not invariably bring about the desired results either in job creation or in a better quality of life for our citizens. This is why I strongly believe that, to be successful, the future EU economic and social model should have ingrained within it the possibility to be flexible and be applied in a tailor-made fashion to specific sites and situations, as well as being endowed with the necessary flexibility in its application to be effective under different socio-economic scenarios. Only in this way can we really hope to see further job creation, better quality of life, more prosperity, better social cohesion and more stability within the future enlarged European Union."@en1
"Vella (PSE )."1

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