Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2004-03-31-Speech-3-182"

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"Mr President, the Group of the European Liberal, Democrat and Reform Party is in favour of Croatia’s accession to the European Union. It will also point the way to accession for other countries in the western Balkan region. Macedonia has already submitted its application. The ELDR Group supports Croatia in its efforts to prepare for accession to the EU and to succeed in the accession negotiations. At the same time we would state that we require better levels of cooperation from Croatia with the Hague Court than hitherto. Our group is asking for a separate vote on paragraph 1(q), which urges Member States to ratify the Stabilisation and Association Agreement between the EU and Croatia. Some Member States have postponed ratification precisely because they have been dissatisfied with Croatia’s levels of cooperation with the Hague Court. Our group thinks they should be able to consider when the agreement should be ratified themselves. Croatia’s accession will once again be a new step in the enlargement of the European Union. When Bulgaria, Romania, Turkey and the five countries in the western Balkan region join the Union, the number of Member States will rise to 33. Moldova and Ukraine have also taken their first step towards accession, and they have been invited to the European conference. Enlargement works on the principle that all European countries that fulfil the conditions for accession can join the Union. As enlargement progresses the EU’s Wider Europe Policy and Neighbourhood Policy will become ever more important. The European Parliament must also get more involved in these than it has up till now. On the other hand, a rapidly enlarging Union must differentiate internally, employing a process of closer cooperation. Internal differentiation and the Wider Europe Policy will gradually allow us to create a Europe of concentric circles. Finally, I would like to thank my colleague Alexandros Baltas for his excellent work in drafting this report."@en1

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