Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2004-03-09-Speech-2-220"

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". Yes, the quality and comprehensibility of regulations does have a direct impact on the welfare and prosperity of Community businesses. Of course, simplification of the regulatory environment means we must scrupulously check whether standardisation on a European scale is really necessary. It goes without saying that the institutions must seek to provide greater clarity of definitions and legal concepts. That is true, but if, as the rapporteur stresses, the Commission communication is a laudable demonstration of good intentions, just the same can be said of this report. The simplification of the law is here only a pretext for Parliament, which is in reality only seeking to assert its usual claims. The opposition to any attempt to use the aim of improving the quality of legislation to make changes to legislative procedures and the balance of powers between the institutions is proof of this. The same applies to Parliament’s request to monitor the appropriate choice and use of the legal instrument proposed by the Commission. Everything is being done as if the intervention of this bulimic and power-hungry Parliament were a guarantee of wisdom or of legislative moderation."@en1

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