Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2004-01-12-Speech-1-144"

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". Mr President, in reply to Mrs Breyer, I can say that, with the Council’s consent, the Commission would be prepared to merge the two proposals. That would allow both ceilings and conditions to be combined. In principle, there would not be a problem over this, provided Parliament agreed. The Council would have to give its consent, of course. What is at issue here is facilitating the decommissioning of a number of power stations and improving the safety of others. Essentially, it all relates to the countries due to join the Union in four months’ time on 1 May. It also concerns the candidate countries and potentially Russia too in certain cases. I should like to assure Mrs Matikainen-Kallström that the European Union is currently making a great effort regarding renewable energy. It must be said that this effort has certainly intensified over the last four years. I am very proud of that, because I believe the Union has to promote renewable energy as much as possible. This does not mean it is not also bound to ensure the maximum possible nuclear safety across the European Union, as I stated just now. I admit I am capable of making mistakes, as are all of those who are present or absent today. Nonetheless, I am certainly not prepared to lie or to disregard the responsibilities incumbent on us all. To mention just one such responsibility, each and every one of us is responsible for ensuring not just the safety of supply, but also maximum safety for the citizens. Further, we are all responsible for ensuring compliance with the commitments entered into under international agreements such as the Kyoto Agreement."@en1

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