Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2003-12-04-Speech-4-021"

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"Madam President, I should like to thank the Court of Auditors for its report. We are looking at the reform of a massive multinational administration and it is not going to be easy to turn it around overnight. There is a recognition in the Court's report, however, that things are heading in the right direction and we are pleased to see that. There are still major problems with accountancy and we wish to see those efforts speeded up within the Commission. Since the publication of this report, we in the United Kingdom have been treated to screaming headlines about the fraud that goes on within the EU. It is the ninth time the Court of Auditors has not given the nod to the accuracy of the figures in the largest areas of expenditure. We must always remember that 80% of the money is spent within the Member States, and until there is more responsibility on the part of the Member States, the Commission cannot possibly account for every euro. The issue I should like to concentrate on is the massive amount spent on invalidity pensions to institution staff. EUR 74 000 million are spent every year on people who are sick within the institutions. Of course, we have a responsibility to look after people who are sick, but the efforts made to help staff back to work are absolutely pitiful, especially those suffering psychological problems. 50% of staff said that there was no enquiry about their state of health or the possibility of them returning to work while on sick leave. In grades C and D, 62% of people retired on invalidity pensions while 21% retired on retirement pensions. I want to ask both the Court and the Court of Auditors whether they will be pressing for Member States to sign declarations of assurance – both for the Structural Funds and in the agricultural domain – in the forthcoming reforms. Until we get that we are not going to see an improvement on the whole issue of accountancy, or of the Structural Funds, or of where the responsibility lies. If we stand firm on this issue we will try and hold up the process within the European Parliament until the Member States start taking their responsibility. Are you going to be pressing for the Member States to sign declarations of assurance?"@en1

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