Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2003-12-03-Speech-3-112"

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"Madam President, as there is time remaining, allow me to bring to the attention of Commissioner Fischler an issue relating to his decoupling proposals and the area required to be farmed once decoupled. If farmers have to farm 100% of the area they farmed during the reference years 2000 to 2002 in order to draw down the decoupled or area-based payment, it will put huge pressure on the price of rented land or Conacre as we say in Ireland both in Ireland and in other countries. I wonder if Mr Fischler is in a position to consider that farmers should must farm 80% or more of their land? If not, we will put a false floor under rented land and active farmers will not be able to afford it. Farmers who want to fill out the 100% of their base-year area are going to have to take that land. A distortion is being introduced into the market as a result of this requirement, and I would urge Mr Fischler to do all he can to ensure that the land is in the hands of the best farmers to farm it. That is one of the principles of decoupling."@en1

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