Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2003-09-04-Speech-4-174"

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". The Morgantini report rejects the logic of the Commission Communication ‘assisting developing countries in benefiting from international trade’. Indeed, the Commission advocates the liberalisation of services, aid to the private sector and an increase in trade meant to help the development of less well-advanced countries. We know now that these ‘recipes’ of a capitalist economic system daily increase the shocking gap between the revenue of rich countries and that of poor countries! On the eve of the Cancun Summit, whose objective is to increase world trade, we support the proposals aiming to cancel out debt, to establish fair trade regulations, to remove from a commercial sphere a response to the needs of the people, to limit the incentives for rich countries to export farming production. We have, therefore, voted in favour of this report, even though we believe that the WTO, the rich countries’ instrument to dominate others, should not be democratised but removed."@en1

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