Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2003-09-04-Speech-4-172"
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Increased trade constitutes the developing countries’ greatest opportunity bar none for improving their economic position in the long term, together with poor people’s living conditions. Aid to the developing countries ought therefore in the first place to be aimed at developing and improving such infrastructure as makes it easier for the developing countries to engage in trade.
The present report is permeated by a general scepticism about trade as a means of combating poverty and promoting economic development. What guided us in our final vote on the report was, therefore, whether all the amendments tabled by the Group of the European People’s Party (Christian Democrats) and European Democrats, and designed to improve the report, were approved.
We are not ill disposed towards a code of conduct with ethical clauses for companies that invest in, or trade with, developing countries, but we believe that such a code of conduct should be laid down within the framework of the WTO’s and the World Bank’s work and not be restricted only to companies within the EU."@en1
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