Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2003-09-04-Speech-4-136"

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"Today, Mr President, we have voted on two reports on human rights. Even though it is in fact the issue of human rights that leads me to sit in this House, I voted against both of them. The reason for this is the fact that the issue has, unfortunately, been misused for ideological reasons. My criticism is primarily aimed at the way in which, with the van den Bos report, we have taken an unambiguous stand for religious freedom throughout the world, whilst at the same time treating the statement by Cardinal Ratzinger and the Catholic Church on same-sex partnerships as some sort of violation of human rights. This just shows the ideological misuse of the issue of human rights. European society is founded not only upon the inviolable dignity of the person, but also upon the inviolable dignity of marriage and the family, the defence of which is one of our tasks as politicians. Future reports on human rights should protect marriage and the family, rather than calling them into question."@en1

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