Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2003-04-09-Speech-3-203"

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". Regarding the accession of the ten current candidate countries, the Group of the European Liberal, Democrat and Reform Party feels that candidate countries should actually have completed their preparations and that there should be individual country-by-country testing. On the question of whether all the countries met the criteria, there were doubts, which have been expressed repeatedly by the European Parliament. On 8 April I received a letter from Commissioner Verheugen saying that even the countries in which he himself identified the most failings, among them Poland, will meet the Copenhagen criteria sufficiently at the time of accession. The warnings from Commissioner Verheugen intended for a number of candidate countries, the decision of the Commission to publish a Comprehensive Monitoring Report six months before accession, the peer review of new and old Member States proposed by the Liberal Group in the area of human rights, corruption, administrative capacity and independent financial control (Malmström/Maaten amendment), the capability of the Commission to take measures directly for a further number of years against disruption of the internal market (the safeguard clauses) and also the Mulder initiative report on the reform of the approval of agricultural expenditure are therefore of overriding importance."@en1

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