Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2003-01-14-Speech-2-084"

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". Mr Jarzembowski’s report seems to us to have benefited from the Commission’s proposal to extend the scope of the process of opening up to competition to a sector where we believe the concept of public service is fundamental. Opening up the sector to competition in this way, and also opening up Members States’ rail networks infrastructure within a short timescale, could be detrimental to the development of Europe’s railways. In particular, the process would introduce instability and uncertainty into a market that requires technological solutions and a high level of long-term investment. We are aware that, on the one hand, public services must ensure that they treat all their users throughout the country equally, regardless of their individual circumstances. On the other hand, opening up the sector to competition could reduce or even do away altogether with any such concept of public service. We therefore oppose all moves towards liberalisation unless it is first proved that it will have genuine added value. The current situation in a number of Member States demonstrate the shortcomings of a system whose sole aim is to make the greatest possible profit. Unfortunately the Commission has not taken account of the consequences of such a system. They can easily be quantified but have been disguised for purely dogmatic reasons. This is why we voted against the Jarzembowski report."@en1

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