Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2002-11-18-Speech-1-110"

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"Mr President, if the Council is concerned about the collapse of commerce, financial scandals and the resulting deterioration of the situation, there is good reason to be! The people who have good reason to worry are the employees who have already been made redundant or are about to be made redundant by the companies concerned, even though they are in no way responsible for the anarchy of your economy, which is as unfair as it is irrational. Confronted with this genuine evil, however, the only solution being proposed is to strengthen prudential rules or to improve supervision, as if the financial conglomerates could be supervised from above by the political authorities responsible for protecting them. So as to prevent the mere sound of the word ‘supervision’ from angering the financial conglomerates, the report promises them that the directive will respect the need for confidentiality. And so, those who pretend to believe that a few prudential rules and a few coordinators who have no real power can eradicate speculation, scandals and financial crises from the capitalist economy will be those who therefore vote in favour of this report. Even a vote by the European Parliament cannot turn an insipid recommendation into a magic potion to ward off the evils of capitalism. Your economy based on the quest for private profits and on competition is even more unpredictable than the weather. Although we can predict unsettled weather three days in advance, who can predict the ups and downs of the stock market from one day to the next? By voting against this text, we are expressing our opposition to an economic system which is stupid and dangerous for society."@en1

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