Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2002-04-11-Speech-4-026"

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"Mr President, Commissioner, I would like, on behalf of our group, to thank Mrs De Sarnez, who has drafted an excellent report. I would like to point out that this ‘Europe of knowledge’, which we have come to use as a common expression, has to give an account of itself at an international level. This is an important challenge, and the declarations at Lisbon and Barcelona, or what was adopted in Bologna or Prague, are also important. If, though, they only result in everything being done, at the end of the day, in a so-called open coordination that bypasses Parliament, then that is something we simply cannot agree to. We agree with the contents, but also want to be involved. The challenges we face are great. As I have said, we have to give an account of ourselves, and I agree with Mrs De Sarnez that we must increasingly see to it that our education becomes more appealing and more competitive. In the European Union, we need something like a community with a first-rate knowledge-based society, of which we can then make real use. For that, we need more mobility. As Mrs De Sarnez has already said, mobility and the quality of our education are the most important things, and so there are of course a number of things we have to do. We must also make it our concern that more languages are taught and learned in higher education institutions. We must make it our concern to have more common leaving certificates. The Franco-German college in Germany, at which common leaving certificates can be taken, could serve as an example for many other European higher education institutions. In competition, we should stand or fall by whether we get this on the move. The university label proposed by Mrs De Sarnez strikes me as excellent, and so we must work at making it a reality. We must also act more quickly than we have in the past to ensure that leaving certificates and diplomas are at last recognised. We have been saying this for ever and a day and yet progress is being made at a snail's pace. This is damaging our young people, and I do think this is a challenge for all of us and one that we should take up."@en1

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