Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2001-11-28-Speech-3-101"

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"During the Justice and Internal Affairs Council of 16 November, the ministers managed to reach agreement on the conditions under which an appeal may be made to the rights enjoyed in the implementing State, as well as on the deadline for handing over a suspect. The basic principles are as follows: the law of the implementing State determines the modalities under which the rights can be called upon. In the event of the wanted person consenting to their surrender, a period of ten days is stipulated. In the event of an arrest, a period of sixty days is stipulated and in special cases, these periods can be extended by thirty days. The other provisions of the Commission proposal were discussed in the Article 36 Committee on 22 and 23 November. The discussions centred around the reasons for refusing to implement the warrant and the conditions for applying the principle of territoriality and the principle of speciality. It is too premature at this stage to moot the idea of an agreement, but the activities are very constructive and all provisions have already been discussed in detail."@en1

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