Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2001-11-28-Speech-3-096"

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"An initial opinion from Parliament was adopted on 17 May this year but, given the many changes that had been made to the text, it became necessary to have a fresh consultation. The Presidency has taken particular care to ensure that the opinions given by Parliament were taken into account throughout the negotiations. Eurojust should bring real added value compared with the existing instruments. Bringing together magistrates from the Member States in a single body will surely enable good coordination and close cooperation between the authorities responsible for prosecution. Eurojust will thus provide an effective instrument with a view to creating the area of freedom, security and justice which has been our aim since the Treaty of Amsterdam. To this end, we therefore needed to ensure genuine, effective cooperation between Eurojust and the other bodies created as part of our Union. We therefore needed to be careful to avoid overlaps of responsibility and redundancies. All these issues are covered by provisions in the draft decision. Cooperation between Eurojust and Europol and the relationship that those two bodies will have to maintain will be the subject of a separate agreement. This draft agreement is being drawn up by the members of the pro-Eurojust provisional unit and the representatives of Europol. It was most desirable to include those primarily affected in the discussion and to better integrate the further developments in Europol that are currently under negotiation within the European Union."@en1

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