Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2001-09-05-Speech-3-033"

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"Mr President, people outside this House must really wonder what is going on here. First of all, we conclude that there is in fact such a thing as ECHELON, and then this politically elected assembly chooses not to draw political conclusions. We then go on to conclude that privacy is being violated, whereupon the European Parliament, which at other times talks of course about guaranteeing people’s rights, chooses to shift responsibility for guaranteeing these rights from the EU and the Member States to the individual citizen who then has to protect himself through encryption. Finally, the observation is made that Great Britain and Germany are, in different ways, parties to this cooperation, and yet the report recommends ever closer cooperation on intelligence matters and no conclusions are drawn in relation to the two Member States that are involved in infringing our rights. On the contrary, they are free to participate in this cooperation. I believe that the European Parliament has lost an opportunity to make it clear that it is serious about citizens’ rights. It is more than just a matter of high-flown speeches and expensive documents. It is also about taking action, and action is what is completely missing from the report. That is why I shall not be able to support it."@en1

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