Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2001-05-15-Speech-2-064"

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"Mr President, Commissioner, when the Commission tabled this proposal, I thought this must mean the implementation of Article 16 of the Water Framework Directive, the definition of priority hazardous substances. Let us push this through as quickly as possible, I thought, so that it can be implemented without delay. However, when I examined the proposal more closely, I discovered that there was a third category. Alongside priority hazardous substances and regular hazardous substances, we also have the ‘three-star’ category. The Commission evidently has reason to believe that these may be priority hazardous substances but is not sure whether they should be classified as such at this stage. The introduction of a ‘three-star’ category, Commissioner, is surely inconsistent with the Water Framework Directive. I therefore believe that we must press for the removal of this ‘three-star’ category as soon as possible. Either they are priority hazardous substances and must be phased out or they are not. We cannot accept this intermediate category. It covers substances for which there are real indications of serious risk, as in the cases of lead, lead compounds and some herbicides and pesticides. The Commission clearly has certain grounds for assuming, Commissioner, that these may belong to the category of priority hazardous substances. For that reason, the Commission must eliminate this ‘three-star’ category as soon as possible. It is my view that this must be done before the normal review date. Now whether this means that it must be eliminated by 1 July 2002, as specified in the decision we adopted in the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Policy, or whether the Commission must table a draft containing supplementary provisions as soon as possible is a question that may be left open for the moment. The crux of the matter is that the ‘three-star’ category must disappear before the review. For this reason, may I ask the Commissioner directly whether she can guarantee that the Commission will deliver a final decision on the ‘three-star’ category as soon as possible, in other words during its present term of office, so that the Council and Parliament can affix their legislative seal of approval?"@en1

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