Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2001-02-28-Speech-3-172"

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"Mr President, in my turn I would firstly like to congratulate the rapporteur on his report, in which he does indeed get to the heart of the matter, namely the urgent need for greater coherence in the policy pursued, greater coordination between development policy and other policy fields and between European development policy and that of the Member States. The setting up of a permanent task force to coordinate the development policy of the Union and the Member States and to strengthen the European position in international bodies, is a laudable idea. In addition, the Gemelli report adds precision to the Commission’s document on a number of important points. Information and communications technology must indeed be a major priority. The same applies, for that matter, to conflict prevention, which unfortunately is only mentioned indirectly in the Commission document. Then there is health policy. There is certainly an urgent need for affordable and more efficient drugs for basic developing world diseases, such as TB, malaria and sleeping sickness. The Commission’s action programme on pharmaceutical drugs is commendable but inadequate. It may encourage research into tropical medicines, but it is mainly the European taxpayer who is likely to foot the bill. A more fundamental requirement seems to me that the poorest countries should obtain cheaper licences for the production and sale of drugs against basic diseases. It is also a more fundamental requirement that an end should be put to so-called “heritage piracy”, that is, claiming patients via the heritage of developing countries by making use of the knowledge of local healers. In the almost two years that I have been a Member of this Parliament I have already voted for five reports arguing for greater coherence in development policy. You won’t mind my asking today when the Council and the Commission are finally going to make this a priority."@en1

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