Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2001-02-14-Speech-3-360"

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"Mr President, we all remember with horror the container containing 58 dead Chinese people that was found at Dover last summer. Recently, we saw drowned people washed up on the Spanish coast. Such tragedies occur around Europe every day, if not always in such spectacular forms. The gangs that earn money from exploiting people’s desperation and smuggle them across borders under horrendous safety conditions must, of course, be punished. This is an inhumane business. Joint efforts are required here at EU level. However, the initiative proposed by France only deals with a small part of these incredibly complex issues concerning migration and refugees. Despite fine declarations of global responsibility, the EU Member States have not been able to agree on a common asylum and immigration policy. It seems that the only thing that can be agreed upon is repressive measures. The smugglers must of course be punished, and airlines that allow persons without valid documents to board must pay fines. It is unreasonable to leave it to the cabin crew to assess people’s need for protection. One must also ask people stake everything they own in order to be smuggled into an unknown country in unsafe conditions. Is it really possible to get into the EU by lawful means when we require visas from 130 countries? I do not believe it is. The EU is in the process of building a Fortress Europe. The Liberal Group would have liked to have seen a more comprehensive programme on migration issues. A common policy is required in this area. The report written by the rapporteur is an important modification of the French proposal, because he attempts to see the nuances. Certainly the gangs must be punished, but there are people who conceal refugees without any prospect of profit because they are convinced that the refugees are risking life and limb if they are sent back to their home country. Relatives, friends or individual organisations must not be punished for this. A distinction must be made. It is also important to emphasise that the purpose of this proposal for a directive is not to make it more difficult for people to seek asylum or migrate to the European Union. With the amendments tabled by the Liberal Group, we will support Mr Ceyhun’s proposal in the hope that the Council will get its act together and agree on a common European asylum and migration strategy."@en1

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