Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2000-09-04-Speech-1-111"

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"Mr President, over a period of 150 years, missionaries and aid workers have fostered knowledge of international affairs and commitment in my own country amongst broad sections of the population. It is important for each individual Member State to retain and extend the opportunities it has for asserting, through its government and embassies, the voice and commitment of its own people on international issues. Embassies constitute one of the most essential and most obvious expressions of national sovereignty. History shows how, for example, a country such as Norway fought to conduct its own diplomacy in its struggle for independence from Sweden. By having its own embassy, a country can also provide important services to its citizens when they visit another country. The embassy can provide them with a service in their own language. At the same time, embassies constitute indispensable sources of information and centres of analytical work for the various governments of the countries concerned. Mr Galeote Quecedo has done a very fine job, but I am sceptical about the following points: recital E concerning the establishment of a professional and permanent community diplomatic service; and recital P in which there is talk of setting up EU embassies in the future. What exactly does this mean, Mr Galeote Quecedo and Commissioner Patten? Paragraph 1 – the setting up of a College of European Diplomacy. In which language is it to operate – in Spanish, English, French or in the languages of all the Member States? Paragraph 12 – in which I think the embassies of the Member States are being told that they are to issue joint statements of their views. Is this not already clear to them under the framework of the Common Foreign and Security Policy? Finally, there is talk of guaranteeing coordinated representation in the EU and other international bodies. Sweden and many other countries have proud traditions in the United Nations. Let us continue along these lines."@en1

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