Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2000-09-04-Speech-1-101"

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"Mr President, our group, the Confederal Group of the European United Left/Nordic Green Left, broadly supports Mr Galeote Quecedo’s report, although it is also the case that certain sections of the group disagree with important aspects of it, as we will see later. We feel that Mr Galeote Quecedo has carried out a profound, serious and ambitious piece of work, although it is also prudent with regard to current prospects. The joint effort in committee by the various political groups demonstrates that common diplomacy is a concern felt by all of us. In fact, our experience, acquired through visits to different parts of the world, highlights four worrying issues: First: the scant and insufficient coordination of the Member States with regard to issues that must be addressed jointly whenever the interests of the European Union are at stake, and the minimal cooperation between the delegations of the European Union. Also, we sometimes fail to exploit the rich diplomatic experience we possess in Europe and often there are worrying confrontations between these various diplomatic services. Second: the accidental occurrence of contradictions in interventions by different countries on issues affecting the interests of the European Union. Third: the insufficient coordination in the defence of points of view, interests and responsibilities of the European Union in international bodies of a political, economic, cultural nature etc., such as the UN, the International Monetary Fund, the World Trade Organisation, the WHO etc. Fourth: we have also noted that the presence of the European Union is weak in relation to its economic importance and also in relation to the significant presence of the United States. We therefore believe it is important to proceed with the proposal presented in the report and, furthermore, to take more cohesive action, make a greater impact and make greater progress in that direction. Hence the usefulness of the proposal to create a Community diplomatic college and also the importance, which appears in Mr Galeote Quecedo’s report, of the European Parliament playing an important role as trustee of the sovereignty and will of the European citizens in order to give content to this Community diplomacy and also give content to this prospect of constructing a European Union which creates peace, respect for international law and solidarity in the world. Therefore, as I said at the beginning, our group will broadly support Mr Galeote Quecedo’s report."@en1

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