Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2000-03-16-Speech-4-205"

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"Mr President, we have started a new round – the umpteenth – in Milosevic’s war against the free media. So much is clear. It seems to be heralding the elections in a perverse kind of way. The campaign has started and anyone who disagrees with him needs to keep their mouths shut. It is really unacceptable that elections will soon take place – allegedly formal, democratic elections – in a country where the opposition has first been left without any tool to express itself. It is a trademark of a totalitarian regime which knows all too well that free, independent media are a nuisance and pose a threat, even to a regime such as that of Milosevic. The EU’s support – on which we are probably all agreed – can roughly take two forms. It would be beneficial to support the media in the neighbouring countries: Croatia and a number of other countries have been mentioned. I am in favour of this. But it can never replace support provided to the media in Yugoslavia, in Serbia, media which deserve this support. The EU makes a difference. The EU has made a difference in the past with its support. It has an obligation to do this in future and should also be given the means to do this. This is fine within the framework of the new CARA programme, but it is also particularly important that this should happen in two weeks’ time, in conjunction with the Stability Pact. At the finance conference on the Stability Pact, the European Union can and must commit itself to a number of programmes. The programmes are ready, the necessity is there; let us take swift and unambiguous action."@en1

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