Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2000-03-16-Speech-4-190"

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"Mr President, Peru has had quite a troubled constitutional life with frequent incursions by the military into civilian life. After democracy was restored, as a result – certainly – of the activities of the Shining Path terrorist organisation, the democratically-elected President of Peru, Mr Fujimori, carried out a government coup by dissolving Parliament and drawing up a constitution made-to-measure for himself as President. The European Parliament has already had occasion to condemn this type of action by President Fujimori. President Fujimori has obviously re-established a degree of calm, if one can call it that, in Peru. But he has continued to keep himself in power by authoritarian means. In fact I would say that, for many, President Fujimori is no more than the civilian representative of military power exercised indirectly. Yes, there are still elections in Peru, there are political parties, there are means of communication and there are certain guarantees. But the guarantees are not complete. The proof is that three judges from the Constitutional Court were removed for opposing his re-election plans. That means the guarantees are not complete. There is no independence of the judiciary or of the legislature. Secondly, Peru recently withdrew from the jurisdiction of the Inter-American Court for Human Rights, and I think that is a very bad sign for a country. I think we should ask the Government of Peru to review that decision. And thirdly, there is still military action going on inside Peru at this moment, frequently creating difficulties for democracy. Remember that, as a member of the Andean Pact, Peru is bound to the European Union by a democracy clause and the European Community, or more specifically the Community institutions, has a certain responsibility by virtue of that democracy clause to call for the electoral process in Peru to be adapted, as far as possible, to certain essential democratic requirements."@en1

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