Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2000-02-16-Speech-3-217"

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"Without wishing to show any lack of respect towards this House and particularly because of the respect that your questions deserve, I would rather not answer the questions you have raised immediately. We are in the midst of rather sensitive negotiations. This sensitivity is reflected in the way in which the Presidency of the Council of the European Union expresses itself in a specific context in relation to particular situations. This has an impact of course, because it is read by other members of the Council. At this stage in the discussion, please forgive me if I cannot give a direct answer to the specific questions that have been put to me. I would ask that we be judged on our results, when we endeavour to reach a more concrete solution in the near future. I will be happy to come back to Parliament to respond to and clarify the problems which may conceivably occur if a result is not reached, or to congratulate all of you if this result is achieved."@en1

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