Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2000-02-16-Speech-3-211"

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". In response to your question, Mrs McKenna, I would first of all like to highlight the fact that the role of the Court of Auditors was laid down in the Treaty establishing the European Community. In accordance with Article 246 of the Treaty, the auditing of accounts is carried out by the Court of Auditors which, to this end, studies the accounts of all revenue and expenditure of the Community as well as the regularity and the legality of the underlying transactions. The Court also guarantees proper financial management. This is indeed also stipulated in Article 248. The Court of Auditors, therefore, already has all the instruments necessary to carry out its role. With regard to your suggestion for increasing the Court’s resources, the Council considers that all of the Union’s institutions have, under the Community budget, the necessary financial means for them to be able to properly carry out their respective remits. In some cases, it would probably be desirable for their financial resources to be increased, but there are budgetary restraints of which I am sure you are aware. I would like to take this opportunity to remind you that the Budget of the European Union is approved by common agreement between the Council and this Parliament. The Council therefore, has no means of changing the role conferred on the Court of Auditors by the Treaty."@en1

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