Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2000-01-18-Speech-2-264"

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". On 26 November 1999, the European Commission approved a package of measures to combat discrimination. As far as the package in question and people with special needs are concerned, there is a directive which concentrates on combating discrimination, especially in the workplace. The European Commission believes that this initiative to combat discrimination will help to increase the level of employment of people with special needs and, in the end, to promote the freedom of movement of these persons. Of course, it is particularly important for people with special needs to have access to means of transport, services and all types of installation if they are to exercise their right to freedom of movement. The European Commission has approved a proposal for a directive on special arrangements in buses, coaches and other vehicles, so that people with special needs with mobility problems and people using wheelchairs have access to them. In addition, you should know that, on 4 June 1998, the Council approved the recommendation for a pan-European type of parking permit to be introduced for people with special needs, the aim of which is to help them travel in all Member States with a common permit so that they can take advantage of all organised parking areas throughout Europe."@en1

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