Known RDF prefixes (namespaces)

The following prefixes are known and may be used without declaration in SPARQL queries to this server.

@prefix amalgame: <> .
@prefix    cpack: <> .
@prefix       dc: <> .
@prefix     dcam: <> .
@prefix     dcat: <> .
@prefix  dcterms: <> .
@prefix  dctypes: <> .
@prefix     doap: <> .
@prefix      eor: <> .
@prefix  eurovoc: <> .
@prefix     foaf: <> .
@prefix graphviz: <> .
@prefix      lib: <> .
@prefix       lp: <> .
@prefix    lp_eu: <> .
@prefix      lpv: <> .
@prefix   lpv_eu: <> .
@prefix      owl: <> .
@prefix     prov: <> .
@prefix    provx: <> .
@prefix      rdf: <> .
@prefix     rdfs: <> .
@prefix    serql: <> .
@prefix     skos: <> .
@prefix   skosxl: <> .
@prefix      tpf: <> .
@prefix     user: <> .
@prefix     vann: <> .
@prefix     void: <> .
@prefix      xsd: <> .

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