1/* Part of ClioPatria SeRQL and SPARQL server 2 3 Author: Jan Wielemaker 4 E-mail: J.Wielemaker@vu.nl 5 WWW: http://www.swi-prolog.org 6 Copyright (c) 2010-2018, University of Amsterdam, 7 VU University Amsterdam 8 All rights reserved. 9 10 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without 11 modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions 12 are met: 13 14 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright 15 notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 16 17 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright 18 notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in 19 the documentation and/or other materials provided with the 20 distribution. 21 22 THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS 23 "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT 24 LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS 25 FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE 26 COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, 27 INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, 28 BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; 29 LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER 30 CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT 31 LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN 32 ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE 33 POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. 34*/ 35 36:- module(cpack, 37 [ cpack_install/1, % +NameOrURL 38 cpack_upgrade/0, 39 cpack_upgrade/1, % +Name 40 cpack_remove/1, % +Name 41 cpack_remove/2, % +Name, +Options 42 % For creators 43 cpack_create/3, % +Name, +Title, +Options 44 cpack_configure/1, % +Name 45 % Further API 46 cpack_add_dir/2, % +ConfigEnabled, +Directory 47 cpack_register/3, % +Name, +Dir, +Options 48 current_cpack/1, % ?Name 49 cpack_property/2 % ?Name, ?Property 50 ]). 51:- use_module(library(semweb/rdf_db)). 52:- use_module(library(semweb/rdfs)). 53:- use_module(library(semweb/rdf_library)). 54:- use_module(library(http/http_open)). 55:- use_module(library(uri)). 56:- use_module(library(lists)). 57:- use_module(library(git)). 58:- use_module(library(setup)). 59:- use_module(library(conf_d)). 60:- use_module(library(filesex)). 61:- use_module(library(settings)). 62:- use_module(library(error)). 63:- use_module(library(apply)). 64:- use_module(library(option)).
70:- setting(cpack:package_directory, atom, cpack, 71 'Directory where packages are downloaded'). 72:- setting(cpack:server, atom, 'http://cliopatria.swi-prolog.org/', 73 'Address of the fallback server'). 74 75:- rdf_register_ns(cpack, 'http://cliopatria.swi-prolog.org/schema/cpack#'). 76:- rdf_register_ns(foaf, 'http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/').
?- cpack_install('EDM'). % Trying CPACK server at http://cliopatria.swi-prolog.org/cpack/EDM ... % Installing package EDM: % EDM -- View Europeana Data Model % Initialized empty Git repository in /home/jan/tmp/test/cpack/EDM/.git/ % Installing EDM.pl ... % /home/jan/tmp/test/config-enabled/010-packs.pl compiled into conf_packs 0.00 sec, 1,480 bytes % Added the following config files: % /home/jan/tmp/test/config-enabled/010-packs.pl % /home/jan/tmp/test/config-enabled/EDM.pl % library(count) compiled into count 0.02 sec, 13,280 bytes % skin(EDM) compiled into edm 0.02 sec, 52,984 bytes % /home/jan/tmp/test/config-enabled/EDM.pl compiled into conf_EDM 0.02 sec, 56,112 bytes true.
109cpack_install(URL) :- 110 \+ is_list(URL), 111 uri_is_global(URL), 112 !, 113 cpack_package_data(URL, Terms), 114 cpack_install_terms(Terms). 115cpack_install(Name) :- 116 pack_data_url(Name, URL), 117 print_message(informational, cpack(probe(URL))), 118 catch(cpack_package_data(URL, Terms), E, true), 119 ( var(E) 120 -> !, cpack_install_terms(Terms) 121 ; print_message(error, E), 122 fail 123 ).
130pack_data_url(Name, URL) :- 131 cpack_load_profile, 132 ( rdf_has(_, cpack:servers, List), 133 rdfs_member(Server, List) 134 ; setting(cpack:server, Server) 135 ), 136 ensure_slash(Server, ServerDir), 137 pack_data_url(ServerDir, Name, URL). 138 139pack_data_url(ServerDir, Names, URL) :- 140 is_list(Names), 141 !, 142 maplist(pack_param, Names, Params), 143 uri_query_components(Query, Params), 144 atomic_list_concat([ServerDir, cpack, /?, Query], URL). 145pack_data_url(ServerDir, Name, URL) :- 146 atomic_list_concat([ServerDir, cpack, /, Name], URL). 147 148pack_param(Name, p(Name)). 149 150 151ensure_slash(Server, ServerDir) :- 152 ( sub_atom(Server, _, _, 0, /) 153 -> ServerDir = Server 154 ; atom_concat(Server, /, ServerDir) 155 ). 156 157cpack_package_data(URL, Terms) :- 158 setup_call_cleanup(http_open(URL, In, []), 159 read_stream_to_terms(In, Terms), 160 close(In)). 161 162read_stream_to_terms(In, Terms) :- 163 read_term(In, Term0, []), 164 read_stream_to_terms(Term0, In, Terms). 165 166read_stream_to_terms(end_of_file, _, []) :- !. 167read_stream_to_terms(Term, In, [Term|T]) :- 168 read_term(In, Term1, []), 169 read_stream_to_terms(Term1, In, T).
176cpack_install_terms(Terms) :-
177 ( Terms = [cpack(Name, Packages)]
178 -> print_message(informational, cpack(requires(Name, Packages))),
179 maplist(package_status, Packages, Status),
180 maplist(download_package, Status),
181 maplist(configure_package, Packages)
182 ; Terms = [no_cpack(Name)]
183 -> existence_error(cpack, Name)
184 ; Terms = [error(Error)]
185 -> throw(Error)
186 ; domain_error(cpack_reply, Terms)
187 ).
194package_status(cpack(Package, Options), 195 cpack(Package, Options, Status)) :- 196 cpack_package_dir(Package, Dir, false), 197 directory_file_path(Dir, '.git', GitRepo), 198 ( access_file(GitRepo, read) 199 -> option(branch(Branch), Options, master), 200 atom_concat('origin/', Branch, Commit), 201 git_describe(OldVersion, [directory(Dir)]), 202 git([fetch, origin], [ directory(Dir) ]), 203 git_describe(NewVersion, [directory(Dir),commit(Commit)]), 204 ( OldVersion == NewVersion 205 -> Status = no_change(OldVersion) 206 ; Status = upgrade(OldVersion, NewVersion) 207 ) 208 ; Status = new 209 ). 210 211download_package(cpack(Package, _, no_change(OldVersion))) :- 212 !, 213 print_message(informational, cpack(no_change(Package, OldVersion))). 214download_package(cpack(Package, Options, upgrade(Old, New))) :- 215 !, 216 print_message(informational, cpack(upgrade(Package, Old, New))), 217 option(branch(Branch), Options, master), 218 cpack_package_dir(Package, Dir, false), 219 atom_concat('origin/', Branch, Commit), 220 git([merge, Commit], 221 [ directory(Dir) 222 ]). 223download_package(cpack(Package, Options, new)) :- 224 option(pack_repository(Repository), Options), 225 print_message(informational, cpack(download(Package, Repository))), 226 cpack_package_dir(Package, Dir, false), 227 cpack_download(Repository, Dir). 228 229configure_package(cpack(Package, Options)) :- 230 cpack_module_options(Options, ModuleOptions), 231 cpack_configure(Package, ModuleOptions). 232 233cpack_module_options([], []). 234cpack_module_options([H0|T0], [H|T]) :- 235 cpack_module_option(H0, H), 236 !, 237 cpack_module_options(T0, T). 238cpack_module_options([_|T0], T) :- 239 cpack_module_options(T0, T). 240 241cpack_module_option(url(URL), home_url(URL)). 242cpack_module_option(requires(Packages), requires(Packages)).
251cpack_download(_Package, Dir) :- 252 directory_file_path(Dir, '.git', GitRepo), 253 exists_directory(GitRepo), 254 !, 255 git([pull], 256 [ directory(Dir) 257 ]). % Too simplistic 258cpack_download(git(GitURL, Options), Dir) :- 259 findall(O, git_clone_option(O, Options), LOL), 260 append([ [clone, GitURL, Dir] 261 | LOL 262 ], GitOptions), 263 git(GitOptions, []), 264 setup_push_for_download(Dir). 265 266git_clone_option(['-b', Branch], Options) :- 267 option(branch(Branch), Options).
278setup_push_for_download(Dir) :- 279 file_base_name(Dir, Name), 280 default_binding(default, Name, pushrepository(PushURL)), 281 !, 282 print_message(informational, cpack(probe_remote(PushURL))), 283 catch(git(['ls-remote', '--heads', PushURL], 284 [ output(_), 285 error(_) 286 ]), 287 E, true), 288 ( var(E) 289 -> print_message(informational, cpack(add_remote(upload, PushURL))), 290 git([ remote, add, upload, PushURL], 291 [ directory(Dir) 292 ]) 293 ; E = error(process_error(git(_), exit(_)), _) 294 -> true 295 ; print_message(error, E) 296 ). 297setup_push_for_download(_).
304cpack_upgrade :-
305 findall(Name, current_cpack(Name), Names),
306 cpack_install(Names).
. 312cpack_upgrade(Name) :-
313 cpack_install(Name).
319cpack_configure(Name) :- 320 cpack_configure(Name, []). 321 322cpack_configure(Name, Options) :- 323 cpack_package_dir(Name, Dir, false), 324 !, 325 exists_directory(Dir), 326 ( conf_d_enabled(ConfigEnabled) 327 -> cpack_add_dir(ConfigEnabled, Dir, Options) 328 ; existence_error(directory, 'config-enabled') 329 ). 330cpack_configure(Name, _) :- 331 existence_error(cpack, Name).
340cpack_add_dir(ConfigEnable, Dir) :- 341 cpack_add_dir(ConfigEnable, Dir, []). 342 343cpack_add_dir(ConfigEnable, Dir, Options) :- 344 directory_file_path(ConfigEnable, '010-packs.pl', PacksFile), 345 directory_file_path(Dir, 'config-available', ConfigAvailable), 346 file_base_name(Dir, Pack), 347 add_pack_to_search_path(PacksFile, Pack, Dir, Modified, Options), 348 setup_default_config(ConfigEnable, ConfigAvailable, []), 349 ( Modified == true % Update paths first! 350 -> load_files(PacksFile, [if(true)]) 351 ; true 352 ), 353 conf_d_reload.
:- cpack_register(Pack, Dir, Options).
367add_pack_to_search_path(PackFile, Pack, Dir, Modified, Options) :- 368 exists_file(PackFile), 369 !, 370 read_file_to_terms(PackFile, Terms, []), 371 New = (:- cpack_register(Pack, Dir, Options)), 372 ( memberchk(New, Terms) 373 -> Modified = false 374 ; Old = (:- cpack_register(Pack, _, _)), 375 memberchk(Old, Terms) 376 -> selectchk(Old, Terms, New, Terms2), 377 write_pack_register(PackFile, Terms2) 378 ; setup_call_cleanup(open(PackFile, append, Out), 379 extend_search_path(Out, Pack, Dir, Options), 380 close(Out)), 381 Modified = true 382 ). 383add_pack_to_search_path(PackFile, Pack, Dir, true, Options) :- 384 open(PackFile, write, Out), 385 write_search_path_header(Out), 386 extend_search_path(Out, Pack, Dir, Options), 387 close(Out). 388 389write_pack_register(PackFile, Terms) :- 390 setup_call_cleanup(open(PackFile, write, Out), 391 ( write_search_path_header(Out), 392 Templ = cpack_register(_, _, _), 393 forall(member((:-Templ), Terms), 394 format(Out, ':- ~q.~n', [Templ])) 395 ), 396 close(Out)). 397 398 399write_search_path_header(Out) :- 400 format(Out, '/* Generated file~n', []), 401 format(Out, ' This file defines the search-path for added packs~n', []), 402 format(Out, '*/~n~n', []), 403 format(Out, ':- module(conf_packs, []).~n~n', []), 404 format(Out, ':- multifile user:file_search_path/2.~n', []), 405 format(Out, ':- dynamic user:file_search_path/2.~n', []), 406 format(Out, ':- multifile cpack:registered_cpack/2.~n~n', []). 407 408extend_search_path(Out, Pack, Dir, Options) :- 409 format(Out, ':- ~q.~n', [cpack_register(Pack, Dir, Options)]). 410 411 412 /******************************* 413 * REMOVAL * 414 *******************************/
, omit checking whether removing the package will
break dependencies.430cpack_remove(Name) :- 431 cpack_remove(Name, []). 432 433cpack_remove(Name, Options) :- 434 \+ option(force(true), Options), 435 required_by(Name, Dependents), 436 !, 437 throw(error(cpack_error(cannot_remove(Name, Dependents)), _)). 438cpack_remove(Name, Options) :- 439 registered_cpack(Name, Dir, _Options), 440 absolute_file_name(Dir, DirPath, 441 [ file_type(directory), 442 access(read) 443 ]), 444 cpack_unregister(Name, Options), 445 remove_config(DirPath, Options), 446 remove_dir(DirPath, Options). 447 448required_by(Name, Dependents) :- 449 setof(Dep, required_pack(Name, Dep), Dependents). 450 451required_pack(Name, Pack) :- 452 registered_cpack(Pack, _, Options), 453 ( member(requires(Packs), Options), 454 member(Name, Packs) 455 -> true 456 ).
and reloading this file.464cpack_unregister(Pack, Options) :- 465 conf_d_enabled(ConfigEnabled), 466 directory_file_path(ConfigEnabled, '010-packs.pl', PacksFile), 467 exists_file(PacksFile), 468 read_file_to_terms(PacksFile, Terms, []), 469 selectchk((:- cpack_register(Pack,_,_)), Terms, RestTerms), 470 !, 471 ( option(fake(true), Options) 472 -> print_message(informational, cpack(action(update(PacksFile)))) 473 ; write_pack_register(PacksFile, RestTerms), 474 load_files(PacksFile, [if(true)]) 475 ). 476cpack_unregister(_, _).
488remove_config(Dir, Options) :- 489 conf_d_enabled(ConfigEnabled), 490 entry_paths(ConfigEnabled, Paths), 491 maplist(remove_config(Dir, Options), Paths). 492 493remove_config(PackDir, Options, File) :- 494 read_link(File, _, Target), 495 absolute_file_name(Target, CanonicalTarget), 496 sub_atom(CanonicalTarget, 0, _, _, PackDir), 497 !, 498 action(delete_file(File), Options). 499remove_config(PackDir, Options, PlFile) :- 500 file_name_extension(_, pl, PlFile), 501 setup_call_cleanup(open(PlFile, read, In), 502 read(In, Term0), 503 close(In)), 504 Term0 = (:- consult(Rel)), 505 absolute_file_name(Rel, Target, 506 [ relative_to(PlFile) ]), 507 sub_atom(Target, 0, _, _, PackDir), 508 !, 509 action(delete_file(PlFile), Options). 510remove_config(_, _, _).
517remove_dir(Link, Options) :- 518 read_link(Link, _, _), 519 !, 520 action(delete_file(Link), Options). 521remove_dir(Dir, Options) :- 522 exists_directory(Dir), 523 !, 524 entry_paths(Dir, Paths), 525 forall(member(P, Paths), 526 remove_dir(P, Options)), 527 action(delete_directory(Dir), Options). 528remove_dir(File, Options) :- 529 action(delete_file(File), Options). 530 531entry_paths(Dir, Paths) :- 532 directory_files(Dir, Entries), 533 entry_paths(Entries, Dir, Paths). 534 535entry_paths([], _, []). 536entry_paths([H|T0], Dir, T) :- 537 hidden(H), 538 !, 539 entry_paths(T0, Dir, T). 540entry_paths([H|T0], Dir, [P|T]) :- 541 directory_file_path(Dir, H, P), 542 entry_paths(T0, Dir, T). 543 (.). 545hidden(..). 546 547:- meta_predicate 548 action( , ). 549 550action(G, Options) :- 551 option(fake(true), Options), 552 !, 553 print_message(informational, cpack(action(G))). 554action(G, _) :- 555 . 556 557 /******************************* 558 * REGISTRATION * 559 *******************************/
565cpack_register(PackName, Dir, Options) :- 566 throw(error(context_error(nodirective, 567 cpack_register(PackName, Dir, Options)), _)). 568 569 570userterm_expansion((:-cpack_register(PackName, Dir0, Options)), Clauses) :- 571 full_dir(Dir0, Dir), 572 Term =.. [PackName,'.'], 573 Clauses = [ user:file_search_path(PackName, Dir), 574 user:file_search_path(cpacks, Term), 575 cpack:registered_cpack(PackName, Dir, Options) 576 ]. 577 578full_dir(Dir, Dir) :- 579 compound(Dir), 580 !. 581full_dir(Dir, Dir) :- 582 is_absolute_file_name(Dir), 583 !. 584full_dir(Dir, AbsDir) :- 585 prolog_load_context(directory, ConfigEnabled), 586 file_directory_name(ConfigEnabled, RelTo), 587 absolute_file_name(Dir, AbsDir, 588 [ relative_to(RelTo), 589 file_type(directory), 590 access(exist) 591 ]). 592 593 594 595:- multifile 596 registered_cpack/3.
602current_cpack(Name) :-
603 registered_cpack(Name, _, _).
612cpack_property(Name, Property) :- 613 property_cpack(Property, Name). 614 615property_cpack(directory(Dir), Name) :- 616 registered_cpack(Name, LocalDir, _), 617 absolute_file_name(LocalDir, Dir). 618property_cpack(Option, Name) :- 619 registered_cpack(Name, _, Options), 620 member(Option, Options).
628:- multifile 629 prolog_version:git_module_hook/3. 630 631prolog_versiongit_module_hook(Name, Directory, Options) :- 632 registered_cpack(Name, LocalDir, Options), 633 absolute_file_name(LocalDir, Directory). 634 635 636 /******************************* 637 * CREATE NEW PACKAGES * 638 *******************************/
Default options are extracted from the cpack:Profile named
658cpack_create(Name, Title, Options) :- 659 cpack_load_schema, 660 cpack_load_profile, 661 option(type(Type), Options, package), 662 option(description(Descr), Options, 663 'Package description goes here. You can use markdown.'), 664 package_class_id(Type, PkgClass), 665 default_bindings(default, Name, DefaultBindings), 666 merge_options(Options, 667 [ name(Name), 668 title(Title), 669 pkgclass(PkgClass), 670 description(Descr) 671 | DefaultBindings 672 ], Vars), 673 cpack_package_dir(Name, Dir, true), 674 forall(cpack_dir(SubDir, Type), 675 make_cpack_dir(Dir, SubDir)), 676 forall(cpack_template(In, Out), 677 install_template_file(In, Out, Vars)), 678 git([init], [directory(Dir)]), 679 git([add, '.'], [directory(Dir)]), 680 git([commit, '-m', 'Installed template'], [directory(Dir)]), 681 git([tag, epoch], [directory(Dir)]), 682 git_setup_push(Dir, Vars). 683 684package_class_id(Label, TurtleID) :- 685 package_class(Label, Class), 686 rdf_global_id(Prefix:Name, Class), 687 atomic_list_concat([Prefix, :, Name], TurtleID). 688 689package_class(Label, Class) :- 690 rdf_has(Class, rdfs:label, literal(Label)), 691 rdfs_subclass_of(Class, cpack:'Package'), 692 !. 693package_class(Label, _) :- 694 domain_error(package_class, Label). 695 696default_bindings(Profile, Name, Bindings) :- 697 findall(B, default_binding(Profile, Name, B), Bindings). 698 699default_binding(ProfileName, Name, B) :- 700 rdf_has(Profile, cpack:name, literal(ProfileName)), 701 ( rdf_has(Profile, cpack:defaultAuthor, Author), 702 ( rdf_has(Author, foaf:name, literal(AuthorName)), 703 B = foafname(AuthorName) 704 ; rdf_has(Author, foaf:mbox, MBOX), 705 B = foafmbox(MBOX) 706 ) 707 ; rdf_has(Profile, cpack:fetchRepositoryTemplate, literal(GitTempl)), 708 substitute(GitTempl, '@CPACK@', Name, GitRepo), 709 B = fetchrepository(GitRepo) 710 ; rdf_has(Profile, cpack:pushRepositoryTemplate, literal(GitTempl)), 711 substitute(GitTempl, '@CPACK@', Name, GitRepo), 712 B = pushrepository(GitRepo) 713 ).
721git_setup_push(Dir, Vars) :- 722 option(pushrepository(PushURL), Vars), 723 !, 724 option(title(Title), Vars, 'ClioPatria CPACK'), 725 git([remote, add, origin, PushURL], [directory(Dir)]), 726 directory_file_path(Dir, '.git/config', Config), 727 setup_call_cleanup(open(Config, append, Out), 728 format(Out, '[branch "master"]\n\c 729 \tremote = origin\n\c 730 \tmerge = refs/heads/master\n', []), 731 close(Out)), 732 catch(git_create_origin(Dir, PushURL, Title), E, true), 733 ( var(E) 734 -> true 735 ; subsumes_term(error(existence_error(source_sink, path(Exe)), _), E) 736 -> print_message(error, cpack(missing_program(Exe))) 737 ; print_message(error, E) 738 ). 739git_setup_push(_,_).
When using GitHub, PushURL is
git@github.com:<user>/@CPACK@.git https://github.com/<user>/@CPACK@.git
754git_create_origin(Dir, PushURL, Title) :- 755 ( atom_concat('git@github.com:', UserPath, PushURL) 756 -> true 757 ; atom_concat('https://github.com/', UserPath, PushURL) 758 ), 759 atomic_list_concat([_User, RepoGit], /, UserPath), 760 file_name_extension(Repo, git, RepoGit), 761 !, 762 process_create(path(hub), [create, Repo, '-d', Title], 763 [ cwd(Dir) 764 ]). 765git_create_origin(_Dir, PushURL, Title) :- 766 uri_components(PushURL, Components), 767 uri_data(scheme, Components, Scheme), 768 ( Scheme == ssh 769 -> uri_data(authority, Components, Authority) 770 ; Authority = Scheme 771 ), 772 uri_data(path, Components, Path), 773 file_directory_name(Path, Parent), 774 file_base_name(Path, Repo), 775 format(atom(Command), 776 'cd "~w" && mkdir "~w" && cd "~w" && \c 777 git init --bare && echo "~w" > description && \c 778 touch git-daemon-export-ok', 779 [Parent, Repo, Repo, Title]), 780 process_create(path(ssh), [ Authority, Command ], []).
787make_cpack_dir(Dir, SubDir) :- 788 directory_file_path(Dir, SubDir, New), 789 ( exists_directory(New) 790 -> true 791 ; make_directory_path(New), 792 print_message(informational, cpack(create_directory(New))) 793 ). 794 795install_template_file(In, Out, Vars) :- 796 option(name(Name), Vars), 797 absolute_file_name(In, InFile, [access(read)]), 798 substitute(Out, '@NAME@', Name, OutFile), 799 cpack_package_dir(Name, Dir, true), 800 directory_file_path(Dir, OutFile, OutPath), 801 copy_file_with_vars(InFile, OutPath, Vars), 802 print_message(informational, cpack(installed_template(OutFile))). 803 804substitute(In, From, To, Out) :- 805 sub_atom(In, B, _, A, From), 806 !, 807 sub_atom(In, 0, B, _, Start), 808 sub_atom(In, _, A, 0, End), 809 atomic_list_concat([Start, To, End], Out). 810substitute(In, _, _, In). 811 812cpack_dir('rdf', _). 813cpack_dir('rdf/cpack', _). 814cpack_dir('config-available', _). 815cpack_dir('entailment', _). 816cpack_dir('applications', _). 817cpack_dir('api', _). 818cpack_dir('components', _). 819cpack_dir('skin', _). 820cpack_dir('lib', _). 821cpack_dir('web', _). 822cpack_dir('web/js', _). 823cpack_dir('web/css', _). 824cpack_dir('web/html', _). 825 826cpack_template(library('cpack/config-available.pl.in'), 827 'config-available/@NAME@.pl'). 828cpack_template(library('cpack/DEFAULTS.in'), 829 'config-available/DEFAULTS'). 830cpack_template(library('cpack/pack.ttl.in'), 831 'rdf/cpack/@NAME@.ttl'). 832cpack_template(library('cpack/README.md.in'), 833 'README.md'). 834 835 836 /******************************* 837 * PROFILE * 838 *******************************/
846cpack_load_profile :- 847 absolute_file_name(user_profile('.cpack.ttl'), Path, 848 [ access(read), 849 file_errors(fail) 850 ]), 851 !, 852 rdf_load(Path). 853cpack_load_profile.
860cpack_load_schema :- 861 rdf_attach_library(rdf(cpack)), 862 rdf_load_library(cpack). 863 864 865 866 /******************************* 867 * UTIL * 868 *******************************/
874cpack_package_dir(Name, Dir, Create) :- 875 setting(cpack:package_directory, PackageDir), 876 directory_file_path(PackageDir, Name, Dir), 877 ( ( Create == false 878 ; exists_directory(Dir) 879 ) 880 -> true 881 ; make_directory_path(Dir) 882 ). 883 884:- multifile 885 prolog:message//1, 886 prolog:error_message//1. 887 888prologmessage(cpack(Message)) --> 889 message(Message). 890 891message(create_directory(New)) --> 892 [ 'Created directory ~w'-[New] ]. 893message(installed_template(File)) --> 894 [ 'Installed template ~w'-[File] ]. 895message(requires(Name, Packages)) --> 896 ( { is_list(Name) } 897 -> [ 'Packages ~w require the following packages:'-[Name] ] 898 ; [ 'Package ~w requires the following packages:'-[Name] ] 899 ), 900 sub_packages(Packages), 901 [ nl, 'Querying package status ...'-[] ]. 902message(no_change(Name, Version)) --> 903 [ ' ~w: ~t~30|no change (~w)'-[Name, Version] ]. 904message(upgrade(Name, Old, New)) --> 905 [ ' ~w: ~t~30|upgrading (~w..~w) ...'-[Name, Old, New] ]. 906message(download(Name, git(Url, _))) --> 907 [ ' ~w: ~t~30|downloading from ~w ...'-[Name, Url] ]. 908message(probe(URL)) --> 909 [ 'Trying CPACK server at ~w ...'-[URL] ]. 910message(probe_remote(URL)) --> 911 [ 'Checking availability of GIT repository ~w ...'-[URL] ]. 912message(add_remote(Name, URL)) --> 913 [ 'Running "git remote add ~w ~w ..."'-[Name, URL] ]. 914message(action(G)) --> 915 [ '~q'-[G] ]. 916message(missing_program(hub)) --> 917 !, 918 [ 'Cannot find the GitHub command line utility "hub".'-[], nl, 919 'See https://hub.github.com/ for installation instructions'-[] 920 ]. 921message(missing_program(Prog)) --> 922 [ 'Cannot find helper program "~w".'-[Prog] ]. 923sub_packages([]) --> []. 924sub_packages([H|T]) --> sub_package(H), sub_packages(T). 925 926sub_package(cpack(Name, Options)) --> 927 { option(title(Title), Options) }, 928 !, 929 [ nl, ' ~w: ~t~30|~w'-[Name, Title] ]. 930sub_package(cpack(Name, _)) --> 931 [ nl, ' ~w: ~t~30|~w'-[Name] ]. 932 933prologerror_message(cpack_error(Error)) --> 934 cpack_error(Error). 935 936cpack_error(not_satisfied(Pack, Reasons)) --> 937 [ 'Package not satisfied: ~p'-[Pack] ], 938 not_satisfied_list(Reasons). 939cpack_error(cannot_remove(Pack, Dependents)) --> 940 [ 'Cannot remove "~p" because the following packs depend on it'-[Pack] ], 941 pack_list(Dependents). 942 943not_satisfied_list([]) --> []. 944not_satisfied_list([H|T]) --> not_satisfied(H), not_satisfied_list(T). 945 946not_satisfied(no_token(Token)) --> 947 [ nl, ' Explicit requirement not found: ~w'-[Token] ]. 948not_satisfied(file(File, Problems)) --> 949 [ nl, ' File ~p'-[File] ], 950 file_problems(Problems). 951 952file_problems([]) --> []. 953file_problems([H|T]) --> file_problem(H), file_problems(T). 954 955file_problem(predicate_not_found(PI)) --> 956 [ nl, ' Predicate not resolved: ~w'-[PI] ]. 957 958pack_list([]) --> []. 959pack_list([H|T]) --> 960 [ nl, ' ~p'-[H] ], 961 pack_list(T)
The ClioPatria package manager