1/* Part of ClioPatria SeRQL and SPARQL server 2 3 Author: Jan Wielemaker 4 E-mail: J.Wielemaker@vu.nl 5 WWW: http://www.swi-prolog.org 6 Copyright (c) 2010-2018, University of Amsterdam, 7 VU University Amsterdam 8 All rights reserved. 9 10 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without 11 modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions 12 are met: 13 14 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright 15 notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 16 17 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright 18 notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in 19 the documentation and/or other materials provided with the 20 distribution. 21 22 THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS 23 "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT 24 LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS 25 FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE 26 COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, 27 INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, 28 BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; 29 LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER 30 CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT 31 LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN 32 ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE 33 POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. 34*/ 35 36:- module(cp_graphviz, 37 [ graphviz_graph//2, % :Closure, +Options 38 reply_graphviz_graph/3 % +Graph, +Language, +Options 39 ]). 40:- use_module(library(http/http_dispatch)). 41:- use_module(library(http/http_parameters)). 42:- use_module(library(http/http_session)). 43:- use_module(library(http/html_write)). 44:- use_module(library(http/html_head)). 45:- use_module(library(http/http_path)). 46:- use_module(library(process)). 47:- use_module(library(debug)). 48:- use_module(library(option)). 49:- use_module(library(settings)). 50:- use_module(library(semweb/rdf_db)). 51:- use_module(library(semweb/rdf_graphviz)). 52:- use_module(library(http/http_wrapper)). 53 54:- setting(graphviz:format, oneof([svg,canviz]), svg, 55 'Technique to include RDF graphs in a page').
66:- html_resource(js('canviz.js'), 67 [ requires([ js('path/path.js'), 68 js('prototype/prototype.js') 69 ]) 70 ]). 71:- html_resource(js('path/path.js'), 72 [ requires([ js('prototype/prototype.js') 73 ]) 74 ]). 75 76% Note that images are requested relative to this URL. Changing this 77% also requires changing the `image server' in graphviz.pl 78 79:- http_handler(root('graphviz/send_graph'), send_graph, []).
triples and is obtained by calling
call(Closure, Graph)
. This component inserts HTML that will
cause a subsequent call to send_graph/1, which executes
call(Closure, Graph)
and sends the graph. This design is
required for the HTML5/canviz rendering. For SVG we could have
opted for embedded SVG, but this design is currently more
portable and avoid slowing down page rendering if it is
expensive to produce the graph.
Options is an option-list for gviz_write_rdf/3. In addition, it processes the option:
, using AJAX-based rendering on HTML5 canvas
or svg
, using SVG. The default is defined by the setting
element.This facility requires the graphiz renderer programs installed in the executable search-path.
111:- meta_predicate 112 graphviz_graph( , , , ). 113:- dynamic 114 closure/4. % Hash, Closure, Options, Time 115 116graphviz_graph(_Closure, _:Options) --> 117 { option(render(Renderer), Options, dot), 118 \+ has_graphviz_renderer(Renderer) 119 }, 120 !, 121 no_graph_viz(Renderer). 122graphviz_graph(Closure, Options) --> 123 { setting(graphviz:format, DefFormat), 124 Options = _:PlainOptions, 125 option(format(Format), PlainOptions, DefFormat), 126 meta_options(is_meta, Options, QOptions), 127 variant_sha1(Closure+QOptions, Hash), 128 get_time(Now), 129 assert(closure(Hash, Closure, QOptions, Now)), 130 remove_old_closures(Now) 131 }, 132 graphviz_graph_fmt(Format, Hash, QOptions). 133 134 135graphviz_graph_fmt(canviz, Hash, _Options) --> 136 !, 137 { http_link_to_id(send_graph, [hash(Hash)], HREF) 138 }, 139 html_requires(js('canviz.js')), 140 html([ div(class(graph), 141 div(id(canviz), [])), 142 div(id(debug_output), []), 143 script(type('text/javascript'), 144 \[ 'document.observe(\'dom:loaded\', function() {\n', 145 ' new Canviz(\'canviz\', \'~w\');\n'-[HREF], 146 '});' 147 ]) 148 ]). 149graphviz_graph_fmt(svg, Hash, Options) --> 150 { option(object_attributes(Attrs), Options, []), 151 http_link_to_id(send_graph, 152 [ hash(Hash), 153 lang(svg), 154 target('_top') 155 ], HREF) 156 }, 157 html([ object([ data(HREF), 158 type('image/svg+xml') 159 | Attrs 160 ], 161 []) 162 ]). 163 164is_meta(wrap_url). 165is_meta(shape_hook). 166is_meta(edge_hook). 167is_meta(bag_shape_hook). 168 169has_graphviz_renderer(Renderer) :- 170 process:exe_options(ExeOptions), 171 absolute_file_name(path(Renderer), _, 172 [ file_errors(fail) 173 | ExeOptions 174 ]). 175 176no_graph_viz(Renderer) --> 177 html(div(id('no-graph-viz'), 178 [ 'The server does not have the graphviz program ', 179 code(Renderer), ' installed in PATH. ', 180 'See ', a(href('http://www.graphviz.org/'), 181 'http://www.graphviz.org/'), ' for details.' 182 ])).
triples using Graphviz.190send_graph(Request) :- 191 http_parameters(Request, 192 [ hash(Hash, 193 [ description('Hash-key to the graph-data') 194 ]), 195 lang(Lang, 196 [ default(xdot), 197 description('-TXXX option of graphviz') 198 ]), 199 target(Target, 200 [ optional(true), 201 description('Add TARGET= to all links') 202 ]) 203 ]), 204 closure(Hash, Closure, Options, _), 205 call(Closure, Graph), 206 reply_graphviz_graph(Graph, Lang, [target(Target)|Options]). 207 208reply_graphviz_graph(_Graph, _Lang, Options) :- 209 option(render(Renderer), Options, dot), 210 \+ has_graphviz_renderer(Renderer), 211 !, 212 http_current_request(Request), 213 http_reply_file(help('error.svg'), [], Request). 214reply_graphviz_graph(Graph, Lang, Options) :- 215 option(target(Target), Options, _), 216 length(Graph, Len), 217 debug(graphviz, 'Graph contains ~D triples', [Len]), 218 select_option(render(Renderer), Options, GraphOptions0, dot), 219 target_option(Target, GraphOptions0, GraphOptions), 220 atom_concat('-T', Lang, GraphLang), 221 process_create(path(Renderer), [GraphLang], 222 [ stdin(pipe(ToDOT)), 223 stdout(pipe(XDotOut)), 224 process(PID) 225 ]), 226 set_stream(ToDOT, encoding(utf8)), 227 set_stream(XDotOut, encoding(utf8)), 228 thread_create(send_to_dot(Graph, GraphOptions, ToDOT), _, 229 [ detached(true) ]), 230 call_cleanup(load_structure(stream(XDotOut), 231 SVGDom0, 232 [ dialect(xml) ]), 233 ( process_wait(PID, _Status), 234 close(XDotOut) 235 )), 236 rewrite_sgv_dom(SVGDom0, SVGDom), 237 graph_mime_type(Lang, ContentType), 238 format('Content-type: ~w~n~n', [ContentType]), 239 xml_write(current_output, SVGDom, 240 [ layout(false) 241 ]). 242 243rewrite_sgv_dom([element(svg, Attrs, Content)], 244 [element(svg, Attrs, 245 [ element(script, ['xlink:href'=SVGPan], []), 246 element(g, [ id=viewport 247 ], 248 Content) 249 ])]) :- 250 http_absolute_location(js('SVGPan.js'), SVGPan, []). 251rewrite_sgv_dom(DOM, DOM). 252 253 254target_option(Target, GraphOptions0, GraphOptions) :- 255 ( nonvar(Target) 256 -> GraphOptions = [target(Target)|GraphOptions0] 257 ; GraphOptions = GraphOptions0 258 ). 259 260 261graph_mime_type(xdot, 'text/plain; charset=UTF-8') :- !. 262graph_mime_type(svg, 'image/svg+xml; charset=UTF-8') :- !. 263graph_mime_type(Lang, 'text/plain; charset=UTF-8') :- 264 print_message(warning, 265 format('Do not know content-type for grapviz \c 266 language ~w. Please extend graph_mime_type/2', 267 Lang)). 268 269send_to_dot(Graph, Options, Out) :- 270 ( debugging(dot) 271 -> retractall(user:graphviz(_,_)), 272 assert(user:graphviz(Graph, Options)) 273 ; true 274 ), 275 call_cleanup(gviz_write_rdf(Out, Graph, Options), 276 close(Out)), 277 !. 278 279copy_graph_data(Out) :- 280 debugging(graphviz), 281 !, 282 get_code(Out, C0), 283 copy_graph_data(C0, Out). 284copy_graph_data(Out) :- 285 copy_stream_data(Out, current_output). 286 287copy_graph_data(-1, _) :- !. 288copy_graph_data(C, Stream) :- 289 put_code(C), 290 put_code(user_error, C), 291 get_code(Stream, C2), 292 copy_graph_data(C2, Stream).
299remove_old_closures(Time) :-
300 ( closure(Hash, _, _, Stamp),
301 Time > Stamp+900,
302 retract(closure(Hash, _, _, Stamp)),
303 fail
304 ; true
305 )
Render RDF-graphs
This module provides graphviz_graph//2 to render a list of
terms as a graph.rdf(S,P,O)
. */