36:- module(prolog_edit,
37 [ edit/1, 38 edit/0
39 ]). 40:- autoload(library(lists),[member/2,append/3,nth1/3]). 41:- autoload(library(make),[make/0]). 42:- autoload(library(pce),[in_pce_thread/1]). 43:- autoload(library(pce_emacs),[emacs/1]). 44:- autoload(library(prolog_breakpoints),[breakpoint_property/2]). 45
47:- set_prolog_flag(generate_debug_info, false). 48
57:- multifile
58 locate/3, 59 locate/2, 60 select_location/3, 61 edit_source/1, 62 edit_command/2, 63 load/0. 64
69edit(Spec) :-
70 notrace(edit_no_trace(Spec)).
72edit_no_trace(Spec) :-
73 var(Spec),
74 !,
75 throw(error(instantiation_error, _)).
76edit_no_trace(Spec) :-
77 load_extensions,
78 findall(Location-FullSpec,
79 locate(Spec, FullSpec, Location),
80 Pairs0),
81 merge_locations(Pairs0, Pairs),
82 do_select_location(Pairs, Spec, Location),
83 do_edit_source(Location).
94edit :-
95 current_prolog_flag(associated_file, File),
96 !,
97 edit(file(File)).
98edit :-
99 '$cmd_option_val'(script_file, OsFiles),
100 OsFiles = [OsFile],
101 !,
102 prolog_to_os_filename(File, OsFile),
103 edit(file(File)).
104edit :-
105 throw(error(context_error(edit, no_default_file), _)).
108 111
114locate(FileSpec:Line, file(Path, line(Line)), [file(Path), line(Line)]) :-
115 integer(Line), Line >= 1,
116 ground(FileSpec), 117 !,
118 locate(FileSpec, _, [file(Path)]).
120 file(Path, line(Line), linepos(LinePos)),
121 [file(Path), line(Line), linepos(LinePos)]) :-
122 integer(Line), Line >= 1,
123 integer(LinePos), LinePos >= 1,
124 ground(FileSpec), 125 !,
126 locate(FileSpec, _, [file(Path)]).
127locate(Path, file(Path), [file(Path)]) :-
128 atom(Path),
129 exists_file(Path),
130 \+ exists_directory(Path).
131locate(Pattern, file(Path), [file(Path)]) :-
132 atom(Pattern),
133 catch(expand_file_name(Pattern, Files), _, fail),
134 member(Path, Files),
135 exists_file(Path),
136 \+ exists_directory(Path).
137locate(FileBase, file(File), [file(File)]) :-
138 atom(FileBase),
139 absolute_file_name(FileBase,
140 [ file_type(prolog),
141 access(read),
142 file_errors(fail)
143 ],
144 File),
145 \+ exists_directory(File).
146locate(FileSpec, file(File), [file(File)]) :-
147 catch(absolute_file_name(FileSpec,
148 [ file_type(prolog),
149 access(read),
150 file_errors(fail)
151 ],
152 File),
153 _, fail).
154locate(FileBase, source_file(Path), [file(Path)]) :-
155 atom(FileBase),
156 source_file(Path),
157 file_base_name(Path, File),
158 ( File == FileBase
159 -> true
160 ; file_name_extension(FileBase, _, File)
161 ).
162locate(FileBase, include_file(Path), [file(Path)]) :-
163 atom(FileBase),
164 setof(Path, include_file(Path), Paths),
165 member(Path, Paths),
166 file_base_name(Path, File),
167 ( File == FileBase
168 -> true
169 ; file_name_extension(FileBase, _, File)
170 ).
171locate(Name, FullSpec, Location) :-
172 atom(Name),
173 locate(Name/_, FullSpec, Location).
174locate(Name/Arity, Module:Name/Arity, Location) :-
175 locate(Module:Name/Arity, Location).
176locate(Name//DCGArity, FullSpec, Location) :-
177 ( integer(DCGArity)
178 -> Arity is DCGArity+2,
179 locate(Name/Arity, FullSpec, Location)
180 ; locate(Name/_, FullSpec, Location) 181 ).
182locate(Name/Arity, library(File), [file(PlPath)]) :-
183 atom(Name),
184 '$in_library'(Name, Arity, Path),
185 ( absolute_file_name(library(.),
186 [ file_type(directory),
187 solutions(all)
188 ],
189 Dir),
190 atom_concat(Dir, File0, Path),
191 atom_concat(/, File, File0)
192 -> absolute_file_name(Path,
193 [ file_type(prolog),
194 access(read),
195 file_errors(fail)
196 ],
197 PlPath)
198 ; fail
199 ).
200locate(Module:Name, Module:Name/Arity, Location) :-
201 locate(Module:Name/Arity, Location).
202locate(Module:Head, Module:Name/Arity, Location) :-
203 callable(Head),
204 \+ ( Head = (PName/_),
205 atom(PName)
206 ),
207 functor(Head, Name, Arity),
208 locate(Module:Name/Arity, Location).
209locate(Spec, module(Spec), Location) :-
210 locate(module(Spec), Location).
211locate(Spec, Spec, Location) :-
212 locate(Spec, Location).
214include_file(Path) :-
215 source_file_property(Path, included_in(_,_)).
222locate(file(File, line(Line)), [file(File), line(Line)]).
223locate(file(File), [file(File)]).
224locate(Module:Name/Arity, [file(File), line(Line)]) :-
225 ( atom(Name), integer(Arity)
226 -> functor(Head, Name, Arity)
227 ; Head = _ 228 ),
229 ( ( var(Module)
230 ; var(Name)
231 )
232 -> NonImport = true
233 ; NonImport = false
234 ),
235 current_predicate(Name, Module:Head),
236 \+ ( NonImport == true,
237 Module \== system,
238 predicate_property(Module:Head, imported_from(_))
239 ),
240 functor(Head, Name, Arity), 241 predicate_property(Module:Head, file(File)),
242 predicate_property(Module:Head, line_count(Line)).
243locate(module(Module), [file(Path)|Rest]) :-
244 atom(Module),
245 module_property(Module, file(Path)),
246 ( module_property(Module, line_count(Line))
247 -> Rest = [line(Line)]
248 ; Rest = []
249 ).
250locate(breakpoint(Id), Location) :-
251 integer(Id),
252 breakpoint_property(Id, clause(Ref)),
253 ( breakpoint_property(Id, file(File)),
254 breakpoint_property(Id, line_count(Line))
255 -> Location = [file(File),line(Line)]
256 ; locate(clause(Ref), Location)
257 ).
258locate(clause(Ref), [file(File), line(Line)]) :-
259 clause_property(Ref, file(File)),
260 clause_property(Ref, line_count(Line)).
261locate(clause(Ref, _PC), [file(File), line(Line)]) :- 262 clause_property(Ref, file(File)),
263 clause_property(Ref, line_count(Line)).
266 269
282do_edit_source(Location) :- 283 edit_source(Location),
284 !.
285do_edit_source(Location) :- 286 current_prolog_flag(editor, Editor),
287 pceemacs(Editor),
288 current_prolog_flag(gui, true),
289 !,
290 memberchk(file(File), Location),
291 ( memberchk(line(Line), Location)
292 -> ( memberchk(linepos(LinePos), Location)
293 -> Pos = (File:Line:LinePos)
294 ; Pos = (File:Line)
295 )
296 ; Pos = File
297 ),
298 in_pce_thread(emacs(Pos)).
299do_edit_source(Location) :- 300 external_edit_command(Location, Command),
301 print_message(informational, edit(waiting_for_editor)),
302 ( catch(shell(Command), E,
303 (print_message(warning, E),
304 fail))
305 -> print_message(informational, edit(make)),
306 make
307 ; print_message(informational, edit(canceled))
308 ).
310external_edit_command(Location, Command) :-
311 memberchk(file(File), Location),
312 memberchk(line(Line), Location),
313 editor(Editor),
314 file_base_name(Editor, EditorFile),
315 file_name_extension(Base, _, EditorFile),
316 edit_command(Base, Cmd),
317 prolog_to_os_filename(File, OsFile),
318 atom_codes(Cmd, S0),
319 substitute('%e', Editor, S0, S1),
320 substitute('%f', OsFile, S1, S2),
321 substitute('%d', Line, S2, S),
322 !,
323 atom_codes(Command, S).
324external_edit_command(Location, Command) :-
325 memberchk(file(File), Location),
326 editor(Editor),
327 file_base_name(Editor, EditorFile),
328 file_name_extension(Base, _, EditorFile),
329 edit_command(Base, Cmd),
330 prolog_to_os_filename(File, OsFile),
331 atom_codes(Cmd, S0),
332 substitute('%e', Editor, S0, S1),
333 substitute('%f', OsFile, S1, S),
334 \+ substitute('%d', 1, S, _),
335 !,
336 atom_codes(Command, S).
337external_edit_command(Location, Command) :-
338 memberchk(file(File), Location),
339 editor(Editor),
340 atomic_list_concat(['"', Editor, '" "', File, '"'], Command).
349editor(Editor) :- 350 current_prolog_flag(editor, Editor),
351 ( sub_atom(Editor, 0, _, _, $)
352 -> sub_atom(Editor, 1, _, 0, Var),
353 catch(getenv(Var, Editor), _, fail), !
354 ; Editor == default
355 -> catch(getenv('EDITOR', Editor), _, fail), !
356 ; \+ pceemacs(Editor)
357 -> !
358 ).
359editor(Editor) :- 360 getenv('EDITOR', Editor),
361 !.
362editor(vi) :- 363 current_prolog_flag(unix, true),
364 !.
365editor(notepad) :-
366 current_prolog_flag(windows, true),
367 !.
368editor(_) :- 369 throw(error(existence_error(editor), _)).
381edit_command(vi, '%e +%d \'%f\'').
382edit_command(vi, '%e \'%f\'').
383edit_command(emacs, '%e +%d \'%f\'').
384edit_command(emacs, '%e \'%f\'').
385edit_command(notepad, '"%e" "%f"').
386edit_command(wordpad, '"%e" "%f"').
387edit_command(uedit32, '%e "%f/%d/0"'). 388edit_command(jedit, '%e -wait \'%f\' +line:%d').
389edit_command(jedit, '%e -wait \'%f\'').
390edit_command(edit, '%e %f:%d'). 391edit_command(edit, '%e %f').
393edit_command(emacsclient, Command) :- edit_command(emacs, Command).
394edit_command(vim, Command) :- edit_command(vi, Command).
395edit_command(nvim, Command) :- edit_command(vi, Command).
397substitute(FromAtom, ToAtom, Old, New) :-
398 atom_codes(FromAtom, From),
399 ( atom(ToAtom)
400 -> atom_codes(ToAtom, To)
401 ; number_codes(ToAtom, To)
402 ),
403 append(Pre, S0, Old),
404 append(From, Post, S0) ->
405 append(Pre, To, S1),
406 append(S1, Post, New),
407 !.
408substitute(_, _, Old, Old).
411 414
415merge_locations(Pairs0, Pairs) :-
416 keysort(Pairs0, Pairs1),
417 merge_locations2(Pairs1, Pairs).
419merge_locations2([], []).
420merge_locations2([H0|T0], [H|T]) :-
421 remove_same_location(H0, H, T0, T1),
422 merge_locations2(T1, T).
424remove_same_location(Pair0, H, [Pair1|T0], L) :-
425 merge_locations(Pair0, Pair1, Pair2),
426 !,
427 remove_same_location(Pair2, H, T0, L).
428remove_same_location(H, H, L, L).
430merge_locations(Loc1-Spec1, Loc2-Spec2, Loc-Spec) :-
431 same_location(Loc1, Loc2, Loc),
432 !,
433 ( merge_specs(Spec1, Spec2, Spec)
434 ; merge_specs(Spec2, Spec1, Spec)
435 ; Spec = Spec1
436 ),
437 !.
438merge_locations([file(X)]-_, Loc-Spec, Loc-Spec) :-
439 memberchk(file(X), Loc),
440 memberchk(line(_), Loc).
442same_location(L, L, L).
443same_location([file(F1)], [file(F2)], [file(F)]) :-
444 best_same_file(F1, F2, F).
445same_location([file(F1),line(L)], [file(F2)], [file(F),line(L)]) :-
446 best_same_file(F1, F2, F).
447same_location([file(F1)], [file(F2),line(L)], [file(F),line(L)]) :-
448 best_same_file(F1, F2, F).
450best_same_file(F1, F2, F) :-
451 catch(same_file(F1, F2), _, fail),
452 !,
453 atom_length(F1, L1),
454 atom_length(F2, L2),
455 ( L1 < L2
456 -> F = F1
457 ; F = F2
458 ).
460merge_specs(source_file(Path), _, source_file(Path)).
464do_select_location(Pairs, Spec, Location) :-
465 select_location(Pairs, Spec, Location), 466 !,
467 Location \== [].
468do_select_location([], Spec, _) :-
469 !,
470 print_message(warning, edit(not_found(Spec))),
471 fail.
472do_select_location([Location-_Spec], _, Location) :- !.
473do_select_location(Pairs, _, Location) :-
474 print_message(help, edit(select)),
475 list_pairs(Pairs, 0, N),
476 print_message(help, edit(prompt_select)),
477 read_number(N, I),
478 nth1(I, Pairs, Location-_Spec),
479 !.
481list_pairs([], N, N).
482list_pairs([H|T], N0, N) :-
483 NN is N0 + 1,
484 list_pair(H, NN),
485 list_pairs(T, NN, N).
487list_pair(Pair, N) :-
488 print_message(help, edit(target(Pair, N))).
491read_number(Max, X) :-
492 Max < 10,
493 !,
494 get_single_char(C),
495 between(0'0, 0'9, C),
496 X is C - 0'0.
497read_number(_, X) :-
498 read_line(Chars),
499 name(X, Chars),
500 integer(X).
502read_line(Chars) :-
503 get0(user_input, C0),
504 read_line(C0, Chars).
506read_line(10, []) :- !.
507read_line(-1, []) :- !.
508read_line(C, [C|T]) :-
509 get0(user_input, C1),
510 read_line(C1, T).
513 516
517:- multifile
518 prolog:message/3. 519
520prolog:message(edit(not_found(Spec))) -->
521 [ 'Cannot find anything to edit from "~p"'-[Spec] ],
522 ( { atom(Spec) }
523 -> [ nl, ' Use edit(file(~q)) to create a new file'-[Spec] ]
524 ; []
525 ).
526prolog:message(edit(select)) -->
527 [ 'Please select item to edit:', nl, nl ].
528prolog:message(edit(prompt_select)) -->
529 [ nl, 'Your choice? ', flush ].
530prolog:message(edit(target(Location-Spec, N))) -->
531 [ '~t~d~3| '-[N]],
532 edit_specifier(Spec),
533 [ '~t~32|' ],
534 edit_location(Location).
535prolog:message(edit(waiting_for_editor)) -->
536 [ 'Waiting for editor ... ', flush ].
537prolog:message(edit(make)) -->
538 [ 'Running make to reload modified files' ].
539prolog:message(edit(canceled)) -->
540 [ 'Editor returned failure; skipped make/0 to reload files' ].
542edit_specifier(Module:Name/Arity) -->
543 !,
544 [ '~w:~w/~w'-[Module, Name, Arity] ].
545edit_specifier(file(_Path)) -->
546 !,
547 [ '<file>' ].
548edit_specifier(source_file(_Path)) -->
549 !,
550 [ '<loaded file>' ].
551edit_specifier(include_file(_Path)) -->
552 !,
553 [ '<included file>' ].
554edit_specifier(Term) -->
555 [ '~p'-[Term] ].
557edit_location(Location) -->
558 { memberchk(file(File), Location),
559 memberchk(line(Line), Location),
560 short_filename(File, Spec)
561 },
562 !,
563 [ '~q:~d'-[Spec, Line] ].
564edit_location(Location) -->
565 { memberchk(file(File), Location),
566 short_filename(File, Spec)
567 },
568 !,
569 [ '~q'-[Spec] ].
571short_filename(Path, Spec) :-
572 absolute_file_name('', Here),
573 atom_concat(Here, Local0, Path),
574 !,
575 remove_leading_slash(Local0, Spec).
576short_filename(Path, Spec) :-
577 findall(LenAlias, aliased_path(Path, LenAlias), Keyed),
578 keysort(Keyed, [_-Spec|_]).
579short_filename(Path, Path).
581aliased_path(Path, Len-Spec) :-
582 setof(Alias, file_alias_path(Alias), Aliases),
583 member(Alias, Aliases),
584 Alias \== autoload, 585 Term =.. [Alias, '.'],
586 absolute_file_name(Term,
587 [ file_type(directory),
588 file_errors(fail),
589 solutions(all)
590 ], Prefix),
591 atom_concat(Prefix, Local0, Path),
592 remove_leading_slash(Local0, Local),
593 atom_length(Local, Len),
594 Spec =.. [Alias, Local].
596file_alias_path(Alias) :-
597 user:file_search_path(Alias, _).
599remove_leading_slash(Path, Local) :-
600 atom_concat(/, Local, Path),
601 !.
602remove_leading_slash(Path, Path).
605 608
609load_extensions :-
610 load,
611 fail.
614:- load_extensions.