Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2011-09-13-Speech-2-612-000"
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"This is a very timely question. In fact, on Thursday, I will host a conference in Brussels about wages and wage-setting, which will also discuss collective agreements and the role of the social dialogue in wage-setting in Europe. I think this is a very important topic right now because of the developments not only in the labour market, but also in terms of economic governance in the European Union, and the two are obviously interlinked. But I would like to express a doubt about simply looking at the new developments in a negative light. In fact, many of these are also bringing new opportunities or just represent a necessary response to the challenges of the global economy. I think it has been proven in recent years that, for example, without flexibility, there is just no competitive economy, which we also want to maintain and even further develop, but we have to find the right forms of flexibility. Very often, as we learned in time of crisis, internal flexibility was the answer. The social partners also cooperated in terms of finding the best form of flexibility within a particular firm or within a particular industry.
I think we have to maintain social rights as much as possible. We have to maintain the European social model and I think we have to look together for the necessary ways of adjusting this European social model, which will certainly have to be maintained."@en1
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