Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2010-06-15-Speech-2-633"
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"Mr President, BONUS-169 is an important pilot project and it is about cooperation on environmental problems in a particular area. The programme is supported, in general, by all of the Baltic States. The programme is also intended to include non-EU countries that discharge their waste water and thereby pollute the Baltic Sea, which is considered to be one of the most polluted seas in the world. The BONUS programme has an enormous task to do in bringing to light the many environmental problems in the Baltic Sea. All the various types of pollution in the world, from paper factories and similar industries, as well as collapsing fish stocks, threaten the Baltic Sea, and undetonated mustard gas bombs and Russian gas pipelines do not help to promote the welfare of the ecosystem. I am therefore very much in favour of the BONUS programme. However, it must not stand alone, but must instead be accompanied by the environmental awareness of the individual States together with action on their part; including the provision of financial resources."@en1
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