Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/1999-12-15-Speech-3-243"

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lpv:translated text
"I should like to thank the Council representative for her reply to my question; however, I fear that my approach to this issue has not been understood. I do not think, at least from the discussions held so far – I am a new MEP – that the economic and social repercussions of illegal immigration or the de facto immigration of the present influx of illegal immigrants and the imminent influx from countries which will join the Community when the European Union enlarges are fully appreciated or taken into serious account, even in a legal procedure. Allow me to quote an example from my own country: Greece, with a population of 10 million, already has one and a half million immigrants, economic refugees or other types of immigrant, meaning that the working population of the country has increased by 20%. This is causing huge economic and social problems and crime problems. Think what will happen when Turkey joins the European Union and at least another 20 million unemployed enter Europe. This is why I wanted to know if there are any Council or Commission studies on the matter."@en1

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