Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/1999-11-18-Speech-4-075"

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"Mr President, the report provides me with the opportunity to comment in this House on the unjustified rebukes against us non-attached Members case by case. The assertion that we are adopting a restrictive position on asylum, of which the rapporteur was also accused today is simply wrong. Our position is quite clear. Although it is not necessary to mention it, I should nevertheless like to say to all those who agree with the criticism without knowing the position, that of course our policy is based on the Geneva Convention relating to Refugees. Of course we consider it absolutely necessary to provide temporary protection for displaced persons. Anyone who needs protection should be protected. What we do say, however, is that the unsuitable migration policy has led to social problems in conurbations, which we as serious politicians should not ignore. This criticism must be permitted in a democratic structure. Because we consider that a fair sharing of the burden is an important aspect of asylum policy, we are also in favour of introducing all relevant measures just as for the Dublin Convention and Eurodac. We shall therefore vote in favour of the report."@en1

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